Research Ideas and Outcomes : Review Article
Corresponding author: Laura J Tilley (, Björn Berning (, Boglárka Erdei (, Charalampos Fassoulas (, Andreas Kroh (, Jiří Kvaček (, Patricia Mergen (, Caroline Michellier (, C Giles Miller (, Michael Rasser (, Ralf T Schmitt (, Johanna Kovar-Eder (
Received: 25 Feb 2019 | Published: 07 Mar 2019
© 2019 Laura Tilley, Björn Berning, Boglárka Erdei, Charalampos Fassoulas, Andreas Kroh, Jiří Kvaček, Patricia Mergen, Caroline Michellier, C Miller, Michael Rasser, Ralf Schmitt, Johanna Kovar-Eder
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Tilley L, Berning B, Erdei B, Fassoulas C, Kroh A, Kvaček J, Mergen P, Michellier C, Miller C, Rasser M, Schmitt R, Kovar-Eder J (2019) Hazards and disasters in the geological and geomorphological record: a key to understanding past and future hazards and disasters. Research Ideas and Outcomes 5: e34087.
Hazards and disasters have occurred throughout Earth's History and thus the geological record is an important resource for understanding future hazards and disasters. The Earth Science Group (ESG) of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF) carried out a “Hazard and Disaster Event Survey” to identify Earth Science collections in European museums that represent hazards and disasters throughout the geological record, and recent times. The aim is to use the collections within the survey as an educational and research resource that promotes the importance of museum collections for understanding past and future hazard and disaster events. The survey pinpointed a wide variety of hazards (e.g. earthquakes, volcanism, floods, impact events, etc.), representing a vast time span in Earth’s history (Proterozoic to Holocene), that are documented in the collections of the participating museums. Each hazard and disaster event has been described in terms of how they are preserved (e.g. fossil record or rock record), spatial scale, impact on life, and geological age. Here we showcase seven examples in detail which include well-known and less-known events from the survey that have contributed to our understanding of hazard and disaster processes and their impact on life. Also we present general conclusions and lessons learnt from the “Hazard and Disaster Event Survey”.
Hazards, Disasters, Earth Science, Museum collections, Geological record, Fossils, Rocks, Minerals
According to the
At present, there is widespread research (
The frequency and magnitude of natural processes such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis are not a consequence of climate change or human activity, but their potential impacts are worsened due to the increasingly exposed human population (
Hazards have occurred throughout Earth’s history. The geological and geomorphological records are important resources for understanding past and future hazards and disaster events. Earth scientists are able to study the rock record (sedimentology, petrology, geophysics and geochemistry) and the fossil record (the study of ancient fauna and flora) to investigate the processes of hazard events in order to improve forecasts and to anticipate the impact on life and its recovery afterwards.
This article has been developed by the Earth Science Group (ESG) of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF). The ESG consists of multiple museums and other research institutions within Europe, and its main purpose is to promote the importance of Earth Science collections in facilitating a better understanding and forecasting of current environmental and biodiversity issues. To help fulfil this purpose the ESG carried out a “Hazard and Disaster Event Survey” (presented in Suppl. material
The “Hazard and Disaster Event Survey” includes a wide variety of events that have affected Earth at different geographical scales (local, regional and global) such as earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, marine anoxia, volcanic eruptions and landslides. The geological age of the different hazards recorded in the survey spans an interval from the Proterozoic (2500 to 541 million years ago) to the Holocene (11,700 years to present day). Here we showcase a small number of hazard and disaster events including well-known and less-known ones recorded in the survey that have contributed to our understanding of hazard processes and their impact on life. A summary table of the “Hazard and Disaster Event Survey” is presented at the end of this article in the conclusions. It should be noted that this publication demonstrates the potential of museum collections, and that the “Hazard and Disaster Event Survey” is an incomplete record but will continue to expand.
Volcanic eruption events: There are two main types of volcanic eruptions that have different hazards associated with them:
Explosive (e.g. Plinian and Vulcanian): These types of volcanic eruptions characteristically associated with evolved viscous magmas (e.g. andesitic and rhyolitic) with a high content of trapped volatiles, and when these magmas degas they produce explosive eruptions often projecting material into the stratosphere (
Non-explosive (e.g. Hawaiian, deep water submarine and Flood Volcanism): These types of eruptions are characterised by the outpouring of low viscosity magma (basaltic). Two examples of currently active volcanoes are Kilauea (Hawaii) and Nyiragongo (Democratic Republic of the Congo) (
Flood events: The definition of a flood is “an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits especially over what is normally dry land,” (
Impact event: “A type of extraterrestrial hazard caused by the collision of the Earth with a meteoroid, asteroid or comet” (
Salinity crisis: Occurs in bodies of water that are landlocked, without a continuous influx of fresh water and were evaporation exceeds inflow rate. This may result in the body of water becoming hypersaline (water with a higher salinity than sea water, and deposition of salt deposits) (
Marine anoxia: Marine anoxic events occur when there is an absence or low level of oxygen in the water column, this can be due to sluggish ocean circulation during times of warmer climates where the deep ocean is not ventilated by the sinking of oxygen rich surface waters (
A local scale hazard/disaster event is defined here as one that affects a small geographical area (e.g. the size of a village, town or city). Whereas a regional scale hazard/disaster event affects a larger geographical area (e.g. a country or continent). Local and regional scale hazards/disasters of different types have been documented in the survey (see Suppl. material
Age: 7 million years ago, Miocene (
Modern location of event: Bükkábrány, north eastern Hungary
Location of collection: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Visitor Center of the Ipolytarnóc Fossils Nature Reserve
Preservation type: Palaeontology, fossil plants – tree stumps, fruits, seeds and leaves
Duration of event: Hundreds of years (
Impact on life: The rising water level of Lake Pannon drowned the swamp forests that grew around its edge.
Background story: The Bükkábrány fossil forest is considered to be unique because it is the oldest forest preserved in situ (life position) (Fig.
The fossil tree trunks are the remains of a warm temperate swamp forest that consisted of mainly large coniferous trees (tree types: Glyptostrobus and Taxodium) (
These fossil tree stumps are a valuable tool for reconstructing the ancient swamp forest ecology and the climate conditions under which it occurred through the study of the wood anatomy (e.g. tree ring analysis) (
A mammal collection (including a human cranium of Homo steinheimensis) of Pleistocene age, originating from Germany (stratigraphy: Holstein Interglacial and Riss Glacial Stage), and housed at the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart.
A vertebrate collection of late Miocene age, originating from Baltavár (Hungary), and housed at the Hungarian Natural History Museum.
Age: 14.808 ±0.021 million years ago, Miocene (
Modern location of event: Ries: Nördlinger Ries, Bayern Baden-Württemberg, Germany; Steinheim: Swabian Alb, Bayern and Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Location of collection: Ries: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Natural History Museum Vienna; Steinheim: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, Natural History Museum Vienna
Preservation type: Ries: formation of a crater, impactites (lithic impact breccias, suevites, impact melt rocks, glass bomb, shatter cones and tektites), shock metamorphism of rocks and minerals (e.g. formation of high pressure phases, coesite, stishovite, diamond), lake sediments. Steinheim: formation of a crater, impactites (lithic impact breccias and shatter cones), ancient lake sediments, fossil fauna and flora.
Duration of event: The effect of the impacts were instant.
Impact on life: Both impacts only affected life that lived in close proximity to the target areas and presumably did not cause any species extinctions, and life recovered quickly afterwards (within decades) (
Background story:
Geological significance
The Ries and Steinheim impact events occurred 14.8 million years ago (
Suevite specimen from the Ries impact event, collected from a suevite deposit that is part of the ejecta blanket about 4 km east of the crater rim. Suevite is a rock type that consists of larger angular target rock fragments surrounded by a matrix of smaller fragments and grains that have been melted and recrystallised due to pressures caused by the impact. Specimen size: 27×15×0.5 cm. Museum für Naturkunde Berlin collection [Inventory number MFN_ PET_2008_02386], collected by M. Siebenschock, 1997, photo by R. T. Schmitt.
A tektite that originates from the distal ejecta (strewn field) of the Ries impact, found in the Czech Republic. Tektites from the Ries impact are called moldavites. Ruler at the bottom of the image = 6.6 cm [Inventory number NHMV_J677]. Photo courtesy of L. Ferrière, Natural History Museum Vienna.
Melt bomb specimens. Top image: a complete specimen with typical surface features; bottom image: section of a bomb showing flow texture and numerous vesicles (Aumühle quarry, Ries impact structure) [Inventory numbers NHMV_J3852 & NHMV_O423]; Photo courtesy of L. Ferrière, Natural History Museum Vienna.
Palaeontological significance
The target areas were rich with forests and fauna (
During the middle Miocene, lakes formed within the impact craters and they became an ideal habitat for fish, ostracods and snails. In the case of Steinheim many were endemic to the lake (
The factors/processes which caused endemism, and evolution of the snails in the ancient lake are still largely unknown. Evolution of the gastropods may have been triggered by environmental changes in the lake such as water level and chemical changes (
Age: 1614 ±30 B.C., Holocene (
Modern location of event: Santorini, Greece
Location of collection: Natural History Museum Crete
Preservation type: Fossil flora – olive leaves and branches, volcaniclastic rock
Duration of event: Days/hours
Impact on life: The Minoan civilisation was destroyed by a tsunami triggered by the collapse of the volcano sides.
Background story: The Santorini eruption is considered as one of the most violent in historic times, 10 times bigger than Krakatau (1883) in Indonesia. The Volcanic Explosively Index (VEI) for this eruption is estimated at 7 which makes the Santorini eruption one of the largest in the last 20,000 years (
Based on archaeological findings and relative dating, the eruption was for many decades considered to have happened around 1450-1500 B.C., and thus was considered the main reason for simultaneous collapse of the famous Minoan Civilisation and the destruction of its palaces (
The finding of fossilised leaves and branches of olive trees (Fig.
Analysis of the volcaniclastic rock units in which the olive leaves are preserved are important for understanding the processes and phases involved in the Santorini Eruption (Fig.
Age: Pennsylvannian (323.2 ̶ 298.9 million years ago), Carboniferous (
Modern location of event: Radnice, Central Czech Republic
Location of collection: Natural History Museum Prague
Preservation type: Palaeontological, fossil flora, volcanic ash layers
Duration of event: Days
Impact on life: A swamp forest close to the volcanic center was destroyed as a result of being covered by ash.
Background story: The Lower Radnice Coal horizon contains well preserved swamp vegetation and it is overlain by a 40–60 cm thick layer of coarse volcaniclastic sediments (containing a lot of feldspar) (
Age: Messinian (7.2–5.3 million years ago), Miocene (
Modern location of event: Mediterranean Sea
Location of collection: Natural History Museum Crete
Preservation type: Palaeontology (marine and terrestrial organisms), mineralogical (evaporite minerals)
Duration of event: 600,000 years
Impact on life: Extinction of marine organisms, turnover of terrestrial fauna. The collections identified here only show evidence of life prior to the event.
Background story: The Messinian is the last stage of the Miocene Epoch, which lasted from 7.2 to 5.33 million years ago. For the Mediterranean this period is related to one of the most catastrophic geological and meteorological events, the Messinian salinity crisis, which was caused by the isolation of the basin from the Atlantic Ocean (
Following the closure of the marine connections to the Indian Ocean in the early Miocene (
The crisis ended 5.33 million years ago when new straits opened in the Gibraltar area and a huge flooding event took place. Nowadays evaporitic minerals dating back to the Messinian salinity crisis can be found in Crete (Fig.
Global events recorded in the CETAF members’ collections include, impact events, volcanism, and marine anoxia (see Suppl. material
Age: Carnian (237–228.4 million years ago), Triassic (
Modern location of event: Aşağiyaylabel locality–Taurus Mountains, southwest Turkey
Location of collection: Natural History Museum Vienna
Preservation type: Fossils – mass ammonite assemblages
Duration of Event: Millions of years (
Impact on Life: The CPE caused widespread anoxic conditions in the oceans and thus caused widespread mortality of marine organisms in particular reef forming organisms (
Background Story: The Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) refers to a time of global climate change from arid conditions that characterised most of the Triassic to high humidity and mega-monsoonal conditions (
Age: 66 million years ago, Cretaceous/Paleocene (
Modern location of event: Impact location: Chicxulub, Yucatan, Mexico; knock-on effects were global
Location of collection: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Natural History Museum Vienna, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Natural History Museum London, National Museum of Natural Science Madrid
Preservation type: Formation of a crater, ca. 180 km in diameter (buried by younger sediments), impactites in the crater (Fig.
Suevite specimen from ICDP – drill core Yaxcopoil-1 (2001–2002), depth 889.51 m, Chixulub impact crater, Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. The suevite consists of melted and recrystallised fragments of the target rock. Specimen length 9.5 cm. Museum für Naturkunde Berlin collection [Inventory number MFN_PET_2008_00058], photo by R. T. Schmitt.
Duration of event: The aftermath effects of the impact possibly lasted hundreds to thousands of years.
Impact on life: Around 76% animal species (land and marine) became extinct (
Background story: The Cretaceous/Paleocene impact event is associated with one of the most well-known extinction events in Earth’s history because a substantial number of organisms on Earth became extinct, including the dinosaurs (
There was an initial cooling phase that was caused by sulphate gases and dust prohibiting penetration of sunlight, and as a result primary food producers like plants and marine plankton could not photosynthesise, leading to the collapse of the food chain (
The “Hazard and Disaster Events Survey”, which is summarised as a table below, reveals a wide range of different hazard and disaster event types recorded in the geological record that are documented in museum collections. This review presents seven exemplar hazard and disaster events detailing their location, duration, geographical scale, impact on life, and causal mechanisms if known. It highlights the potential value of studying the geological record for furthering our understanding of the causes and impacts of hazards and disasters at different geographical scales (regional and global scale). Furthermore it emphasises the importance of museum collections as a resource for hazard event research. Museum collections contain unique rock and fossil samples that have been archived from localities that are sometimes no longer accessible or may not be in the future; thus they allow the continued study of past hazard events and have the potential for new data to be obtained. Below are listed the conclusions and future lessons derived from the “Hazard and Disaster Event Survey” (presented in Suppl. material
A special thank you to the museums/institutes in the Earth Science Group (ESG) of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF) that have contributed to the “Hazard and Disaster Event Survey” and supported the development of this publication: Estonian Geological collections, Fossil World Vienna, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, National Museum of Natural Sciences Madrid, Natural History Museum of Crete, Natural History Museum London, Natural History Museum Prague, Natural History Museum Vienna, Natural History Museum Sweden, Royal Museum for Central Africa, State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, Senckenberg Institutes (Frankfurt, Görlitz, Dresden, Weimar), Center of Natural History Hamburg University (Institute of Geology). Ludovic Ferrière and Alexander Lukeneder (Natural History Museum Vienna) are gratefully acknowledged for providing photographs. Thank you to Christian Koeberl (Natural History Museum Vienna) for providing feedback and advice on an earlier version of this manuscript. Finally a thank you to CETAF for covering publication costs for this manuscript.
C.F., J.K-E., A.K., P.M., M.R. and J.K. Initially presented the idea of the "Hazard and Disaster Event Survey" for outreach purposes.
C.F., J.K-E., A.K., P.M., M.R., L.J.T., developed the idea of using the results from the "Hazard and Disaster Event Survey" to produce a publication aimed at the general public and natural science community.
L.J.T., analysed the results of the "Hazard and Disaster Event survey", selected the collection examples that have been used in the manuscript; approached Earth Science Group (of CETAF) members for information/images on examples; read/researched literature and evaluated information on the selected collections and the hazard/disasters that they documented. Also planned the content/layout of the manuscript, with the support of C.F., J.K-E., A.K., P.M., M.R. and R.T.S.
L.J.T., wrote the majority of the manuscript with the support of J.K-E., A.K., P.M., C.F., B.B, C.G.M., R.T.S., and C.M.
M.R., developed the idea of Figure 1. which is a visualisation of the "Hazard and Disaster Event Survey" results. L.J.T. further developed the idea and designed Figure 1. with the support of J.K-E. and M.R.
C.F., contributed writing for the Santorini volcanic eruption and Messinian salinty crisis, which was edited and further expanded on by L.J.T.
B.B., Contributed writing for the Messinian salinity crisis.
J.K. Contributed writing for the Carboniferous plinian type eruption; edited by L.J.T.
B.B., B.E., C.F., A.K. J.K., C.M., C.G.M, M.R., R.T.S., provided information, references, expertise, and figures for the selected collections.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Presence data of Earth Science Museum Collections in Europe that document hazard and disaster events. This is an incomplete dataset and will continue to expand.