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by Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
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  • Sustainable cities and communities
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  • Peace and justice strong institutions
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SDG: Sustainable cities and communities
Permanent collection
Knowledge and Tools for the Trans-European Nature Network: Designing a Resilient and Connected System of Protected Areas in Europe
Edited by Néstor Fernández and Piero Visconti

The European Union's 2030 Biodiversity Strategy aims to place species and ecosystems on the recovery path by 2030, preserving and restoring Europe's natural capital, and positioning Europe at the forefront of global biodiversity conservation efforts. These commitments urgently respond to the decline ...

Papers published: 8
Permanent collection
EOSC Future: Design and implementation of community engagement through Science Projects
Edited by Christos Arvanitidis, Ron Dekker, Cristina Huertas Olivares and Ana Mellado

The European Union has established the European Science Open Cloud (EOSC), as the “system of systems” Infrastructure where scientists, stakeholders and other types of users can find data, analytical web services, publications, networks and other research resources to carry out their work.

The ESF ...

Papers published: 15
Closed for submission
First International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects
Edited by Tina Loo, Francisco Andres Rivera Quiroz, Wassim Deirieh

Successful management, exchange and interpretation of an ever-growing tsunami of digital information and knowledge will depend on highly automated methods dealing with combined data. This will require artificial intelligence but also robust and informative ways to store and disseminate data and meta ...

Papers published: 56
Closed for submission
Bootstrapping the Open Science culture: The fellowship approach
Edited by Moritz Schubotz, Dominik Scholl, Tamara Heck, Rima-Maria Rahal, Sarah Behrens, Isabel Steinhardt
In the past five years, Wikimedia Deutschland has partnered with Stifterverband and Volkswagen Stiftung to follow a joint vision: to nourish a community of practice among emerging researchers in German-speaking countries that advocate and nourish open science in their disciplines and fields. Their a ...
Papers published: 9
Permanent collection
Europa Biodiversity Observation Network: integrating data streams to support policy
Edited by Henrique Pereira, Jessica Junker, Andres Marmol-Guijarro, Joachim Maes

Observations are key to understand the drivers of biodiversity loss, and the impacts on ecosystem services and ultimately on people. Many EU policies and initiatives demand unbiased, integrated and regularly updated biodiversity and ecosystem service data. However, efforts to monitor biodiversity ar ...

Papers published: 47
Permanent collection
ReNature: Promoting research excellence in nature-based solutions for innovation, sustainable economic growth and human well-being in Malta
Edited by Anna Sapundzhieva, Mario Balzan

The ReNature RIO Collection will host key outputs relating to the sustainable use of biodiversity, biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, green infrastructure and ecosystem service assessments across rural-urban gradients, equitable access to the benefits derived from nature in cities and socio-environ ...

Papers published: 4
Permanent collection
Observations, prevention and impact of COVID-19
Edited by Victor Padilla-Sanchez

Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO Journal) invites submissions of research outcomes - especially early and brief results - relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic in light of the unprecedented health emergency and the scale of its worldwide impact on society, industry and economics.

By means of Open Science ...

Papers published: 8
Closed for submission
ICEDIG Project Outcomes
Edited by Laurence Livermore, Anne Koivunen, Kari Lahti and Leif Schulman

Addressing today’s global environmental challenges requires access to significant quantities of data. This holds especially true for the natural sciences, where one rich data trove remains unearthed: The European scientific collections. These jointly hold more than 1.5 billion objects, representing  ...

Papers published: 15
Closed for submission
Edited by Carmen Cuenca-García

This collection hosts outcomes from the ‘Soil Science & Archaeo-Geophysics Alliance’ (SAGA), an international research network funded by the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) for four years (from 26th October 2018 until 25th October 2022) as COST Action SAGA (CA17131).  SAGA is dev ...

Papers published: 1
Closed for submission
Political Psychology
Edited by Vincent Weidlich, Scott Bottorff, Jimmy Gustafsson, Kristian Åström, Gerhardt Fritzsche
Political psychology, topics ranging across all eras.
Papers published: 1

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