Research Ideas and Outcomes : Grant Proposal
Corresponding author: Nico Eisenhauer (
Received: 17 Jan 2018 | Published: 01 Feb 2018
© 2018 Nico Eisenhauer
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Eisenhauer N (2018) Aboveground-belowground interactions drive the relationship between plant diversity and ecosystem function. Research Ideas and Outcomes 4: e23688.
The positive relationship between plant diversity and ecosystem functioning is likely to be co-determined by aboveground–belowground multitrophic interactions. Considering and manipulating such interactions thus is likely to significantly improve the mechanistic understanding of BEF relationships. The present proposal comprehensively investigates long-term (>4 years) plant diversity effects on soil microorganisms, nematodes, and other soil invertebrates across different ecosystems (grassland and forest ecosystems) and global change contexts (elevated [CO2], N deposition, warming, and drought) to identify general mechanisms. Complementary and well-directed laboratory experiments will be conducted to simulate soil feedback effects resulting from plant diversity-induced changes in soil food webs. This novel approach will allow investigating the balance between negative and positive plant-soil feedback effects and the consequences for ecosystem functioning. This holistic knowledge of changes in and interactions of above- and belowground processes is crucial to predict the long-term consequences of plant community simplification for ecosystem functioning. Experimental work will be complemented with the meta-analysis of previous work in order to reconcile prior inconsistent findings. The main objective of the present proposal is to disentangle the driving forces of plant diversity effects on soil biota as well as subsequent positive and negative feedback effects on plants. In order to achieve this, the present project has four major goals:
(1) investigate long-term plant diversity effects on soil biota and functions across multiple settings in order to derive general conclusions;
(2) investigate the significance of plant diversity-induced positive and negative soil feedback effects on plant performance;
(3) investigate if anthropogenic stressor effects reinforce plant diversity effects on soil biota and subsequent soil feedback effects; and
(4) synthesize results and perform meta-analyses to understand and reconcile inconsistent findings of previous studies on plant diversity effects on soil biota, and relate subsequent changes in soil food webs to alterations in ecosystem functioning.
Biodiversity-ecosystem function, global change, long-term experiment, plant-soil feedback, soil organisms
Bradley Cardinale, Peter Reich, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Stefan Scheu, David Tilman, Wolfgang Weisser
The rapid loss of species due to human activities and its important implications for ecosystem functions and services, and human well-being have prompted biodiversity research to grow into a leading field in ecological research over the last 20 years (
Terrestrial grasslands are one of the focal model systems for investigating the consequences of biodiversity loss (e.g.,
Plants fuel specific soil food webs (
Importance of the duration of the experiment for its outcome.
These distinct compositional shifts in soil food webs are likely to exert significant soil feedback effects on plant performance and other ecosystem functions (Fig.
Conceptual scheme of how aboveground–belowground interactions may influence the positive relationship between plant diversity and ecosystem functioning. The left part of the scheme illustrates how lower quantity and quality of plant inputs to the soil in species-poor plant communities (being low in resource use complementarity) may induce negative soil feedback effects. The right part of the scheme shows that higher quantity and quality of plant inputs in species-rich plant communities (being high in resource use complementarity) may cause the dominance of positive soil feedback effects. Mutualists will decrease (
Relatedly, changes in soil biodiversity likely significantly feed back to plant performance. There is evidence that decomposer diversity is crucial for decomposition processes and plant N availability (
Based on a recent compilation of results (
Notably, plant diversity effects on ecosystem functioning and soil processes may be modified by current global changes (
Plant diversity effects on soil microbes more pronounced at elevated [CO2]. Microbial biomass (µg Cmic g-1 soil dry mass) and basal respiration (BR; µl O2 h-1 g-1 soil dry mass) as affected by plant species richness (SR) and CO2 concentrations. Dashed lines indicate ambient CO2 levels, solid lines elevated CO2 levels (+180 ppm). SR x CO2 for Cmic: p=0.007; SR x CO2 for BR: p=0.03). Data from August 2010. Means with SE. Redrawn after
Plant diversity may also reduce the severity of stressor effects such as drought, i.e., plant diversity effects may be more pronounced in the presence of environmental stresses, due to the stabilizing effect on ecosystem functioning (
Thus, resource-based, global change-induced deterioration of species-poor plant communities and amelioration of species-rich ones may increase the ‘functional gap’ between low and high diversity assemblages. Although single factor experiments may only poorly reflect actual changes induced by co-occurring global changes, interactions between plant diversity and global change effects have hardly been investigated (
Soil feedback effects may significantly impact the complementarity of plants (
The relationship between plant diversity and ecosystem functioning is likely to be co-determined by aboveground–belowground multitrophic interactions. Considering and manipulating such interactions thus is likely to significantly improve the mechanistic understanding of
Aims: Two complementary experiments will be conducted to study soil feedback effects in species-poor and species-rich plant communities in two long-term grassland biodiversity experiments (
Brief background: Plant diversity effects on ecosystem functioning increase over time (
Work Package (
Soil cores will be taken from 12 monocultures (4 replicates per plant functional group) and 12 16-species polycultures (24 soil samples per experiment). The 24 soil samples will be divided into three subsamples; every third will be planted with one dominant representative of the three plant functional groups, grasses (Jena: Phleum pratense, BioCON: Bromus inermis), forbs (Jena: Plantago lanceolata, BioCON: Solidago rigida), and legumes (Jena: Trifolium pratense, BioCON: Lupinus perennis) (3 plant individuals per Magenta box; 72 boxes per experiment, 144 boxes in total). After 6 weeks, plants will be harvested and the soil will be sampled for identifying soil nematodes (modified Baermann method;
Aims: Complementing the work proposed in
Brief background: The positive relationship between plant diversity and ecosystem functioning is well-established (
Aims: Global change agents affecting resource availability for plants may increase plant diversity effects on soil biota and processes. Two complementary
Brief background: The world’s ecosystems are losing biodiversity at unprecedented rates due to global change agents, such as nitrogen (N) deposition, warming climate, and changes in precipitation regimes (
The proposed project explores these interrelationships in three world-leading long-term plant diversity experiments in which global change agents are also manipulated. The project will identify general patterns of the interaction between plant diversity and resource availability (soil C, N, and water) by measuring the interaction effect on soil microbial biomass and functions at several sites, using standardized methodology. The present
Aims: Based on the conclusions and implications of two recent review papers (
Brief background: (a) As outlined above, the significance of plant diversity effects on soil biota is controversial, and a meta-analysis may enable the establishment of a general theory. (b) Similarly, evidence is equivocal regarding how soil biodiversity affects plant performance (
Methods: A database will be set up considering studies in which (a) soil biota have been studied in plant diversity gradients, (b) soil biodiversity effects on plant performance have been investigated, and (c) plant diversity and, simultaneously, presence/density/diversity of above- and belowground consumers have been manipulated. Available datasets of
I gratefully acknowledge comments by many collaborators, two anonymous reviewers, and by the plant sciences review panel of the German Research Foundation in 2012. I acknowledge funding by the DFG in the frame of the Emmy Noether research group (Ei 862/2). Further support came from the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, funded by the German Research Foundation (FZT 118). I acknowledge support from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and Leipzig University within the program of Open Access Publishing.