Papers published: 15 Papers in press: 0 Total pages: 0 Unique views: 2111 Total views: 3581 |
This collection hosts outcomes from B-GOOD, a Horizon 2020 project funded under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 817622). B-GOOD is a 5-year funded project (2018-2023) that integrates the knowledge and experience of researchers, beekeepers and a variety of stakeholders, and focuses on the provision of computationally-assisted decision making for sustainable beekeeping. By using a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach, researchers within B-GOOD use data from within and around beehives to develop and test innovative tools to monitor colony health, as well as develop more efficient management practices. The collection includes a range of outputs, including reports, protocols, methodologies, and research papers.
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