
Collection type
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  • Agriculture and Forestry
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  • Ecology & Environmental sciences
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by Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
  • No poverty
  • Zero hunger
  • Good health & well-being
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  • Gender equality
  • Clean water & sanitation
  • Affordable & clean energy
  • Decent work & economic growth
  • Industry, innovation & infrastructure
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption & production
  • Climate action
  • Life below water
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Permanent collection
Digital Botanical Gardens Initiative outcomes
Edited by Pierre-Marie Allard, Emmanuel Defossez, Daniel Mietchen

The Digital Botanical Gardens Initiative (DBGI) ambitions to explore innovative solutions for the collection, management and sharing of digital information acquired on living botanical collections. A particular focus is placed on the large scale characterization of the chemodiversity of living plant ...

Papers published: 1
Permanent collection
Large scale RESToration of COASTal ecosystems through rivers to sea connectivity
Edited by Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla, Ivan Caceres Rabionet, Boris Barov
The REST-COAST project is largely focused on improving the coastal restoration practices and techniques, while also generating new tools and data to assess risk reduction. Against this background, the REST-COAST RIO Collection will host key outputs relating to the restoration of the perturbated rive ...
Papers published: 37
Permanent collection
DiSSCo Project Outcomes
Edited by Laurence Livermore, Helen Hardy, Wouter Addink, Eva Alonso, Ana Casino, Dimitris Koureas

Natural science collections are a treasure trove of data that are pivotal in finding solutions from and for nature; from conservation, health, minimising the degradation of natural capital and finding new sources of critical minerals, to addressing the challenges of food security, water scarcity and ...

Papers published: 8
Permanent collection
EOSC Future: Design and implementation of community engagement through Science Projects
Edited by Christos Arvanitidis, Ron Dekker, Cristina Huertas Olivares and Ana Mellado

The European Union has established the European Science Open Cloud (EOSC), as the “system of systems” Infrastructure where scientists, stakeholders and other types of users can find data, analytical web services, publications, networks and other research resources to carry out their work.

The ESF ...

Papers published: 15
Permanent collection
Stacking of ecosystem services: mechanisms and interactions for optimal crop protection, pollination enhancement and productivity
Edited by Francesco Penacchio, Alexander Wezel, Samantha Cook, Sascha Kirchner, Hanna Friberg, Angharad Gatehouse, Ryszard Laskowski, Christopher John Topping, Hella Kechlenbeck, Luigi Cembalo, Massimiliano Borrello, Ilaria Di Lelio, Andrea Becchimanzi
Agriculture has to face the great challenge of balancing the demand for high productivity, imposed by the global increase of human population, with environmental impacts and social acceptability of new production strategies. The EcoStack project will develop ecologically, economically and socially s ...
Papers published: 94
Permanent collection
NFDI4 Microbiota
Edited by Konrad Förstner, Barbara Götz
NFDI4 Microbiota is a consortium of 10 partners which was established as part of the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). It aims at democratizing access to microbiota data and high-end computational analyses. This will be achieved by building a seamless workflow from data collection ...
Papers published: 1
Permanent collection
ParAqua Scientific Outcomes and Dissemination Products
Edited by Serena Rasconi, Maya Stoyneva, Blagoy Uzunov, Ana Gavrilović

This collection hosts outcomes and products from the COST Action CA20125 ParAqua "Applications for zoosporic parasites in aquatic ecosystems".

The Action is funded by the EU (2021-2024) and aims to organise and coordinate an innovative and dynamic European network connecting academia, industry an ...

Papers published: 9
Closed for submission
First International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects
Edited by Tina Loo, Francisco Andres Rivera Quiroz, Wassim Deirieh

Successful management, exchange and interpretation of an ever-growing tsunami of digital information and knowledge will depend on highly automated methods dealing with combined data. This will require artificial intelligence but also robust and informative ways to store and disseminate data and meta ...

Papers published: 56
Permanent collection
ALMaSS Outputs
Edited by Christopher John Topping, Elżbieta Ziółkowska, James Williams, Xiaodong Duan, Teodor Metodiev
This collection brings together all outputs related to the Animal Landscape and Man Simulation System (ALMaSS). ALMaSS combines highly detailed landscape simulation together with agent-based and sub-population models to create a rich a detailed representation of social-ecological systems. Developmen ...
Papers published: 57
Permanent collection
B-GOOD Project Outcomes
Edited by Dirk de Graaf, Coby van Dooremalen, Teodor Metodiev

This collection hosts outcomes from B-GOOD, a Horizon 2020 project funded under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 817622). B-GOOD is a 5-year funded project (2018-2023) that integrates the knowledge and experience of researchers, beekeepers and a ...

Papers published: 15
Permanent collection
SHOWCASE Project Results
Edited by Anna Sapundzhieva, David Kleijn
The SHOWCASE RIO Collection will host key outputs relating to the integration of biodiversity into farming practices. The project aims to deliver new insight and innovative tools facilitating the agricultural sector's transition towards more sustainable farming, and thus help meet wider societal nee ...
Papers published: 34
Permanent collection
BESTMAP Project Outcomes
Edited by Guy Ziv, Jodi Gunning

The BESTMAP RIO Collection will host key outputs relating to the new modelling framework the project is developing. The project’s work focuses on supporting EU policy design and monitoring, by addressing the complexity of decisions made by farmers and the wider impact of agricultural policy on natur ...

Papers published: 50

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