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Monitool - new tools for water quality monitoring
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Edited by Blánaid White, Marta Rodrigo Sanz, Vanessa Millán Gabet

The main driver of the MONITOOL project is to respond to the European Directive demands for the assessment of chemical status of transitional and coastal waters, allowing the use of passive sampling devices (PSDs) in a regulatory context, enhancing the implementation of the WFD.

MONITOOL PROJECT - New tools for monitoring the chemical status in transitional and coastal waters under the WFD - aims to provide a robust database of dissolved and labile metal concentrations in transitional and coastal waters for adapting existing Environmental Quality Standards (EQS; 0.45 µm filtered) suitable EQS-DGT for passive sampling devices in order to evaluate the chemical status of the waters under the WFD.

During MONITOOL project, co-deployments of DGTs and water spot sampling and subsequent DGT and water metal analysis across the Atlantic region will be addressed to determine suitable EQS-DGTs for metals.

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SDG: 14.1 Reduce marine pollution & debris
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