Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Sofia, Bulgaria
University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, United States of America
Subject: Infectious diseases; Microbiology & Virology; Molecular biology
Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford , United States of America
Oregon State University Corvallis, United States of America
Subject: Scientific computing and simulations; Fluidics; Energy & Power; Mechanical engineering
The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong, China
Subject: Organic chemistry; General geology; Astrobiology
University of Helsinki Helsinki, Finland
Subject: Theoretical chemistry; Physical chemistry; Computational chemistry; Computational physics; Molecular physics; Biophysics
Pennsylvania State University State College, United States of America
Subject: Atmospheric science; Remote sensing; Ecology & Environmental sciences
Pensoft Publishers & Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, Bulgaria
University of Bologna Bologna, Italy
University of Padova Padova, Italy
Subject: Oncology
University of Greifswald Greifswald, Germany
Taxa: Vertebrata Subject: Palaeontology; Biomechanics; Evolutionary biology
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