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SDG: Life below water
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Published in: Research Ideas and Outcomes
 Unique: 790 | Total: 1448  | Access Period:
Workshop Report
Published in: Research Ideas and Outcomes
Catherine Borremans,     Jennifer Durden, Timm Schoening,     Emma Curtis, Luther Adams, Alexandra Branzan Albu, Aurélien Arnaubec,     Sakina-Dorothée Ayata, Reshma Baburaj,     Corinne Bassin, Miriam Beck, Katharine Bigham,     Rachel Boschen-Rose, Chad Collett,     Matteo Contini,     Paulo Correa,     Carlos Dominguez-Carrió, Gautier Dreyfus, Graeme Duncan, Maxime Ferrera, Valentin Foulon, Ariell Friedman, Santosh Gaikwad,     Chloe Game, Adriana Gaytán-Caballero, Fanny Girard, Michela Giusti, Mélissa Hanafi-Portier, Kerry Howell, Iryna Hulevata, Kiamuke Itiowe, Chris Jackett, Jan Jansen,     Clarissa Karthäuser,     Kakani Katija, Maxime Kernec, Gabriel Kim, Marcelo Kitahara, Daniel Langenkämper, Tim Langlois, Nadine Lanteri,     Claude Jianping Li, Qi-Ran Li, Pierre-Olivier Liabot,     Dhugal Lindsay,     Ali Loulidi,     Yann Marcon, Simone Marini,     Ashley Marranzino, Miquel Massot-Campos, Marjolaine Matabos, Lenaick Menot,     Bernabé Moreno, Marcus Morrissey,     David Nakath, Tim Nattkemper, Monika Neufeld,     Matthias Obst, Karine Olu, Alexa Parimbelli,     Francesca Pasotti, Dominique Pelletier,     Margaux Perhirin, Nils Piechaud, Oscar Pizarro, Autun Purser,     Clara Rodrigues, Elena Ceballos Romero, Brian Schlining, Yifan Song,     Heidi Sosik, Marc Sourisseau,     Bastien Taormina, Jan Taucher, Blair Thornton,     Loïc Van Audenhaege,     Charles von der Meden, Guillaume Wacquet, Jack Williams, Kea Witting, Martin Zurowietz
 Unique: 772 | Total: 1106  | Access Period:

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