Research Ideas and Outcomes :
Conference Abstract
Corresponding author: Line C. Pouchard (
Received: 14 Sep 2022 | Published: 12 Oct 2022
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Pouchard LC, Islam TZ, Nicolae B (2022) Challenges for Implementing FAIR Digital Objects with High Performance Workflows. Research Ideas and Outcomes 8: e94835.
New types of workflows are being used in science that couple traditional distributed and high-performance computing (HPC) with data-intensive approaches, and orchestrate ensembles of numerical simulations and artificial intelligence (AI) models. Such workflows may use AI models to supplement computation where numerical simulations may be too computationally expensive, to automate trivial yet time consuming operations, to perform preliminary selections among intractable numbers of combinations in domains as diverse as protein binding, fine-grid climate simulations, and drug discovery.
They offer renewed opportunities for scientific research but exhibit high computational, storage and communications requirements [
The scientific computing communities running these kinds of workflows have been slow to adopt Findable, Accessible, Interpretable, and Re-usable (FAIR) principles, in part due to the complexity of workflow life cycles, the numerous WMS, and the specificity of HPC systems with rapidly evolving architectures and software stacks, and execution modes that require resource managers and batch schedulers [
In this conceptual work, one can distinguish several kinds of FDOs for HPC workflows that present both common and specific challenges to the development of canonical DO infrastructure and the implementation of FDO workflows that we discuss below:
All these FDOs for HPC workflows should include the computing environment and system specifications on which code was executed for metadata rich enough to enable re-usability [
Computational results may include machine learning predictions resulting form stochastic training of non-deterministic models. Neural networks and deep learning models present specific challenges to result FDOs related to provenance and the selection of quantities needed to include in an FDO for the re-use of results. What information needs to be included in a FAIR Digital Object encapsulating deep learning results to make it persistent and re-usable? The description of method, data and experiment recommended in [
Challenges specific to digital objects containing performance measures for HPC workflows are those related to size, selection and reduction. Performance data at scale tends to be very large, thus a principled approach to selection is needed to determine which execution counters must be included in FDOs for performance reproducibility of an application [
A key contributor to the failure to capture important information in HPC workflows is that metadata and provenance capture is often “bolted on” after the fact and in a piecemeal, cumbersome, inefficient manner that impedes further analysis. An FDO approach including DO collections at the appropriate level of abstraction and rich metadata is needed. Capturing metadata automatically must take into account the appropriate granularity level for re-use across system layers and abstraction levels. Intermediate FDOs capture and fuse metadata across multiple sources during the planning and execution stages [
FAIR Digital Object, FDO,High Performance Computing, HPC, FAIR4HPC
Line C. Pouchard
First International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects, presentation
The submitted manuscript has been created in part by 1) Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC operator of Brookhaven National Laboratory, a U.S Department of Energy Office of Science laboratory operated under Contract No. DESC0012704, 2) by UChicago Argonne, LLC, Operator of Argonne National Laboratory, a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science laboratory, operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.
This is a concept paper. No ethics and/or security concerns.
Line Pouchard conceptualized the presentation and wrote the manuscript, Tanzima Islam and Bogdan Nicolae provided feedback and inspiration during work development