Research Ideas and Outcomes :
Policy Brief
Corresponding author: Elisabetta Manea (
Received: 21 Feb 2022 | Published: 25 Mar 2022
© 2022 Alessandra Pugnetti, Elisabetta Manea, Ivica Vilibić, Alessandro Sarretta, Lucilla Capotondi, Bruno Cataletto, Elisabeth De Maio, Carlo Franzosini, Ivana Golec, Marco Gottardi, Jelena Kurtović Mrčelić, Hrvoje Mihanovic, Alessandro Oggioni, Grgur Pleslic, Mariangela Ravaioli, Silvia Rova, Andrea Valentini, Caterina Bergami
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Pugnetti A, Manea E, Vilibić I, Sarretta A, Capotondi L, Cataletto B, De Maio E, Franzosini C, Golec I, Gottardi M, Kurtović Mrčelić J, Mihanovic H, Oggioni A, Pleslic G, Ravaioli M, Rova S, Valentini A, Bergami C (2022) The Ecological Observing System of the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS): structure and perspectives within the main European biodiversity and environmental strategies. Research Ideas and Outcomes 8: e82597.
This Policy Brief succinctly presents the Ecological Observing System of the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS), aimed at integrating the ecological and oceanographic dimensions within the conservation strategy of the Natura 2000 network, and to propose a way to go for its future development and maintenance. After a definition of marine ecological observatories, we describe the current structure of ECOAdS, its key components and potential relevance in relation to the main European strategies for biodiversity and marine observation for the next decade. Finally, we suggest some actions that could be undertaken for the future development of ECOAdS, targeting possible perspectives in different regional, macro-regional, national and European strategic contexts. This Policy Brief is one of the outcomes of the Interreg Italy-Croatia Project ECOSS (ECological Observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity;, which had the main purpose to design and carry out the first steps for the establishment of ECOAdS.
Adriatic Sea, Ecological Observatory, Biodiversity, Natura 2000 sites
Marine observatories are globally widespread observing and experimenting infrastructures aiming to collect high-resolution oceanographic data, both in coastal and offshore areas, in order to assess their environmental status, variability and trends, induced by anthropic and climate changes (
In this Policy Brief we present the main traits of the Ecological Observing System of the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS), which was designed and started to be developed within the Interreg Italy-Croatia project ECOSS (ECOlogical Observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity;, and to propose perspective actions for its future maintenance. The project ECOSS, carried out from January 2019 to June 2021, involved ten partners from Italy and Croatia, with the overall purpose to contribute to the improvement of the conservation status of the habitat types and species of the coastal and marine Natura 2000 (N2K) sites in the Adriatic Sea. To achieve this goal, different actions were undertaken to integrate the ecological and oceanographic dimensions with the protection strategies of the N2K marine sites.
Indeed, the Adriatic Sea is a strategic area for the establishment of an ecological observatory, due to the concurrent presence of biodiversity richness, sensitive habitats and ecosystems, numerous ongoing monitoring and research activities. The heavy and diversified human pressures, as well as the economic interests, make this basin one of the most impacted regions of the Mediterranean Sea (
In this Policy Brief, first we will succinctly describe the present structure of ECOAdS, its key components and their potential relevance in relation to the main European strategies for biodiversity and for marine observation for the next decade. Next, we will suggest key perspectives to develop ECOAdS within different regional, macro-regional, national and European strategic contexts. Whenever needed, for details we will refer to the project deliverables, which are all publicly available on the project webpage (, and to the ECOAdS web portal (, which has been specifically developed for the public access to information, tools and services of the observatory.
ECOAdS was aimed to integrate the existing ecological and oceanographic research and monitoring in the Adriatic Sea within the N2K conservation strategies, focusing on the area under the jurisdiction of Italy and Croatia. Thus, it is contributing to the protection of N2K habitats and species, especially for those sites without management and monitoring plans, which are the majority in the focus area. ECOAdS lays its foundation on the incorporation of ecological connectivity and it supports the adoption of an ecosystem-based approach to management as well (
The key integrating elements of ECOAdS (Fig.
Specifically, the ECOAdS key elements (Fig.
ECOAdS may effectively contribute to the fulfillment of relevant macro-regional and European strategies and programmes for the next decade (
We foresee the medium- and long-term sustainability of ECOAdS through realization of various activities within the above-mentioned frame, which includes creation of efficient cross-Adriatic collaborations, transparent data sharing following FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reuse;
The overall ECOAdS framework, the action plans proposed for the monitoring and management of the N2K sites, and the web portal, could contribute to a more effective and coordinated implementation of the directives (HBD, WFD, MSFD, MSPD) at the national and regional/county level in Italy and Croatia. Therefore, it is within the context of the ministerial and regional or county policies that the outcomes and the development of ECOAdS find proper governance and management, as well as a financial support. The main components and attributes of ECOAdS could be applied to the wider Adriatic macro-region, using the policy and financing instruments available in the area (e.g. Interreg ADRION, EUSAIR). The Adriatic could, in this way, become an exemplary case study for the whole Mediterranean Sea, also in agreement with the BlueMed Implementation Plan.
Many Environmental Research Infrastructures (RIs), included in the European and national RIs roadmaps at different stages of their development, are active in the Adriatic Region (e.g. Danubius RI, eLTER RI, EMBRC-ERIC, ICOS ERIC, JERICO S3, LifeWatch ERIC). ECOAdS could rely on, contribute to, and benefit from these RIs, sustaining their components that are under development in the Adriatic area. The RIs will be relevant for the long-term maintenance and financial sustainability of ECOAdS, in particular when a joint collaboration and coordination among them, which is required and arising at the national and EU level, will be realized. ECOAdS could represent the opportunity to boost such collaboration in the Adriatic Sea, by representing and developing a co-located system with shared research and monitoring tasks allowing its modular, multi-purpose and fit-for-purpose uses.
Next, the technological development and the engagement of Small and Medium Enterprises, which has not been addressed during the ECOSS project, is a prerequisite for the future development of ECOAdS, embracing and leveraging the emerging technologies, thus enhancing cross-border collaboration with the private sectors. ECOAdS could be the suitable platform for developing and testing innovative in situ technologies (e.g., from chemical, imaging, acoustic, and molecular sensors to robotic platforms) and for the improvement of data storage, data discovery, computation capabilities and modelling, which might support novel ecological views and perspectives. This will be in line with the action plan of the European Green Deal (, by investing in environmental-friendly technologies and supporting industry to innovate, sustaining the legally binding conservation and restoration targets.
Finally, we highlight ECOAdS role in fostering and addressing the ultimate goal - to procreate a shift in our way of living and a profound transformation of our socio-economic systems, as sustained also by the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: “Protecting and restoring nature will need more than regulation alone. It will require action by citizens, businesses, social partners and the research and knowledge community, as well as strong partnerships between local, regional, national and European level.” To this respect, ecological research within ECOAdS is called to become “Action Ecology” (
Moreover, to effectively contribute to a necessary cultural shift, ECOAdS should incorporate into its plans a new narrative, where Nature protection and restoration shall not be a strategic specialty within our economic system, but rather become an ethical challenge and transformation, moved by the ultimate goal to attain the health and durability of natural and human communities, instead of profits (
This Policy Brief has been produced within the Interreg Italy-Croatia Project ECOSS. We acknowledge the contributions from all the partnership for the achievements of the project results, on which this Policy Brief is based.
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.