Research Ideas and Outcomes : DFG Grant Proposal
Corresponding author: Stefan Wagner (
Received: 21 Dec 2015 | Published: 21 Dec 2015
© 2016 Stefan Wagner.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Wagner S (2015) Continuous and Focused Developer Feedback on Software Quality (CoFoDeF) . Research Ideas and Outcomes 1: e7576. doi: 10.3897/rio.1.e7576
Software is intangible and, therefore, difficult to understand and control. Quality problems often creep in unnoticed because the developers do not have a full view of the history and all the consequences of their changes to the system. Therefore, we observe quality decay in many software systems over time. A countermeasure would be frequent quality analyses starting early in the development, e.g. in nightly builds. Frequent quality analyses reduce the problem of quality decay because quality defects are detected soon after they were introduced, but they still allow defects to be introduced. This means that builds might fail, other developers might have already worked with that code revision and changes will result in rework.
I propose to apply the detection of quality problems directly before or while they are created. For this, we need continuous and focused feedback about a software's quality to the developers. To give that feedback to the developers without overwhelming them, a main goal of this project is to understand the quality information needs of developers. We will build an information needs theory by empirical analysis and use this theory to investigate diverse quality checks integrated directly into development environments. We will build on advances in test-case generation, static analysis and repository mining to provide this feedback. Finally, we will extensively investigate the impact of the created continuous and focused feedback on the developers in controlled experiments and industrial case studies. We see the main challenges in providing the right feedback to the developer at the right time and in the right context as well as supplying the developers with the necessary explanations to understand and make use of the shown information. We will address these challenges by building focused and learning analyses which understand the context of the change and the developer. The analyses will learn manually and automatically the developer's preferences. Furthermore, we mine and include rationales from detailed quality models, web resources and slicing into the developer feedback. If we succeed, the results will increase the usage of quality analyses in practice, make the developers aware of quality problems, and reduce quality problems and the expenditure they cause. Furthermore, our project will open up possibilities for research to create and integrate new kinds of immediate feedback to the developers.
Software Quality, Information Needs, Fast Feedback
As case study partners:
Continuous quality control and just-in time quality assurance
Quality control is a process which emerged from the manufacturing area where it means inspecting products during and after production to detect problems and ensure a high level of quality.
The more narrow view of statistical quality control has been attempted for software development as well. For example,
While total quality control and management, especially continuous improvement, fit well to software development projects, statistical quality control has not gained broad acceptance. Just-in-time quality assurance has focused on a very narrow area of feedback so far.
Preliminary work We formulated the ideas of quality control and continuous improvement in software as continuous software quality control (
Developer information needs
The concept of information needs was coined in the area of book libraries and documentation.
The only mentioning of information needs theory in software engineering is by
There is a rich theory on information needs in other disciplines. In software engineering, there is little work yet on developers’ information needs. There is no sufficient theory on needs for quality-related information.
Dashboards, IDEs and interaction history
Dashboards are tools that integrate and aggregate the data from various sources to present them in a useful way to developers or quality engineers. Well known examples include Bauhaus, SonarQube or Hackystack (
Recently, there have been advances in using the interaction histories of developers to adapt IDEs to their information needs.
A variety of dashboards provide quality feedback to developers, mostly in a web browser but also with first IDE integrations. Task models of IDE users help in focusing what to show developers according to their task. Yet, task modelling and IDE adaptation has not been used for broader quality feedback.
Preliminary work We have gathered experience in the area of dashboards with our own tool called ConQAT (
Static analysis
Static analysis is the assessment of code without executing it. Several static analyses are already integrated into common IDEs. For example, checking coding guidelines or parsing and compilation are all static analyses. More sophisticated analyses, such as bug pattern detection (
Static analysis has not only been used to analyse the program statements but also the comments contained in the source code.
Many static analyses are able to provide interesting results but are not readily executable during changes; they also provide little guidance on how to act on the results.
Preliminary work We started working on the effectiveness and efficiency of bug pattern tools in 2004 with a comparison of such tools for Java with reviews and tests (
A second thread of investigation in the area of static analysis has been clone detection. We performed a widely cited study on the effects of cloning, especially in the context of inconsistent changes (
Test generation
There have been considerable advances in automatically generating test cases in recent years. They have enabled guided test generation to achieve a high coverage of code structure. For example, Randoop (
Also search-based software engineering has been used to generate test cases.
Modern techniques for automatic test generation can systematically cover the execution space. These techniques have not been employed for generating immediate and interactive feedback for developers.
Preliminary work We have worked on test case generation based on behavioural models (
Mining and prediction
Over the last years, researchers have made use of the increasing number of publicly available software repositories from open-source projects to (semi-)automatically mine interesting insights into relationships in the product, process and team. One particular area on which we will concentrate is the prediction of likely changes to other files after a file has been changed (co-changes).
Repository mining has become a useful means of predicting likely co-changes; the recommended co-changes have not been prioritised and incorporated into other feedback systems.
Preliminary work We have worked on using Bayesian nets as a basis for predicting software quality (
Quality models
Researchers have worked on quality models for several decades to better capture what software quality is. This resulted in a large number of available quality models (
Contemporary quality models provide links between measurement and high-level quality goals; therefore, they can provide rationales in developer feedback which have not been used directly in IDEs.
Preliminary work To address the issues with standard quality models, we developed an operationalised quality model (
API Documentation and online discussions
Today’s programming consists of the frequent usage of existing APIs. The multitude of APIs one needs to understand can be problematic. Therefore, various researchers have worked on ways to support a developer in API usage. In this proposal, we will concentrate on support via the extraction of information from existing textual sources.
The primary source for such information is the API documentation. Yet, this documentation is also large and information might be difficult to be found.
Furthermore, researchers increasingly make use of other online resources, in particular online discussion forums.
Focused information on APIs can increase the effectiveness of developers; online discussions contain valuable information about API usage and obstacles. This has not been used to give interactive feedback on software quality.
Related projects
The DFG SPP 1593 is most closely related to this project proposal. The stated problems of legacy systems and continuous evolution in the SPP also are reasons why focused developer feedback makes sense. In the SPP, the projects ADVERT and URES are most closely related. ADVERT aims at keeping artefacts consistent during the evolution which we partially support by fast feedback about clone detection and coupled change analysis. URES captures links between artefacts automatically and gives rationales. Both projects do not aim at presenting the analysis results directly and continuously to the developers.
The SPECMATE project, mostly funded by an ERC Advanced Grant, is related because it has a strong emphasis on test case generation. Their focus is not on giving continuous feedback to the developers.
Continuous quality control is an approach to address quality decay in software regularly during a software project. Advances in static analysis, test generation and repository mining allow us to give further feedback to developers, potentially just-in-time while performing changes. These analyses have not been incorporated into a joint feedback system that gives focused hints. Contemporary quality models, dynamic slicing and online discussions could even provide rationales for the feedback to support its acceptance and understandability.
Motivation Software is a unique engineering product: It is intangible, it can be copied without cost and there is no need for production but only development. Nonetheless, we have learned that it needs to be built with the same rigour as any other engineering product or the quality, schedule and cost can be disappointing. The intangible nature of software is a factor which complicates working with it. Developers have difficulties overlooking all consequences of changes made to a software system. Often problems do not arise directly but only complicate later comprehensibility or introducing further changes which can be many years in the future. Humans are particularly bad in handling actions with effects with such long feedback loops (
A lot of work in software engineering research and practice aims at shortening these feedback cycles. For example, iterative and agile development processes run in iterations with only a few weeks length to get feedback from users and customers early. Continuous integration (
At the same time, ever more powerful IDEs, for example Eclipse, help us to automate all kinds of tasks in programming and design. We do not need to wait until we get feedback from the compiler: several IDEs now offer immediate parsing and background compilation, i.e. instant feedback on what you type. In contrast, continuous quality control and current just-in-time quality assurance still requires that the code be written, compiled and submitted to the version control system to get feedback. To some degree, the damage has already been done by then. The developer has probably started working on another task by then and needs to remember what the change was about. Hence, continuous quality control as promoted today does not really prevent quality decay but helps to detect and remove it early.
As hardware becomes ever faster and more useful software analyses become available, we need to provide useful feedback to the developers immediately. I propose continuous and focused developer feedback (CoFoDeF) on quality-related issues in the code (and potentially other artefacts) that is being changed or written.
A User’s Perspective In the long term, the users of the project’s results will be software developers. Continuous feedback will happen right where changes to the code are made: the IDE.
In this example, the developer scrolled to this method and brought the cursor to the comment marked with the yellow box containing a “2”. The CoFoDeF tool creates a test case for the method in the background and shows it as hint number “1”. The hint is also interactive in the sense that the underlined values of the test can be changed and a new feedback is immediately calculated. As the comment is unnecessary because the code statement directly after it contains the same information, the tool presents this as hint number “2”. There are also direct links to rationales (“Why and what can I do?”) and a possibility to rate the hint. A third hint provides a link to a method that probably has to be changed when the present method is changed. When the developer actually changes the method, this hint would move higher in priority to reflect the task performed by the developer.
Objectives The underlying aim of this project is to reduce quality problems in the development and usage of software systems. The concrete objective is to understand the quality information needs of developers and to provide the results of modern analysis techniques at the right moment and context in a focused and understandable way and empirically evaluate the usefulness of such feedback.
Continuous Feedback from Analyses [C]
Objective C. Create a concept for providing continuous feedback from quality analyses for developers.
Quality information needs theory [C1] We need a solid theoretical basis about what information about quality developers need during their work. We build on the existing work on information needs in other disciplines. We will conduct a developer study with students to investigate the small-scale information needs during typical development tasks. Investigating students will allow us to reach a larger sample size while the differences between students and practitioners are often small (e.g.
Analyses before changes [C2] We want to be able to run analyses before a change to the system showing hints to the developers before they start the change. These hints will contain information about what the developers should take care of. The initial analysis used will be clone detection because of existing work on presenting clone information inside an IDE, for example in ConQAT. It gives the developer an indication that there are copies of this code that might have to be changed as well. We will complement clone detection by coupled change analysis based on repository mining to show other code that probably needs to be changed as well. The techniques for recommending coupled changes has been well investigated, has shown to provide useful recommendations and is different in analysis object and goal.
Analyses while changing [C3] Different analyses will be interesting while a change is conducted. We will also start with clone detection as an example using incremental, index-based clone detection [20]. Therefore, we will be able to give a hint to developers directly after they cloned code to refactor it. The second analysis will be a comment quality analysis to show that we can provide hints going beyond code statements. We will focus on giving hints to the developers directly after they added or changed a comment about its quality relying on the method by Steidl, Hummel and Juergens [51]. The third analysis we investigate will generate hints by contemporary automated test generation. This analyses allows us to explore dynamic analyses and higher degrees of interactivity between the developer and the analysis.
Focusing Feedback and Rationales [F]
Objective F. Create a concept to focus the provided feedback and provide rationales so that the feedback is useful for the individual developers in their specific contexts.
Context-specific prioritisation [F1] To avoid overwhelming the developers with long lists of hints, we will continuously determine the context in which the developer is and adapt the shown hints and their order accordingly. One component in the context will be the tasks and activities performed by the developer. A result from a generated test might be more interesting while a developer adds a new feature than during a code refactoring. We will derive the current activity by observational studies of the developer’s actions. The second component will be the time span since the last change by this developer. For example, a probable co-change is more interesting if the last change was made long ago.
Learning prioritisation [F2] The second goal for providing useful hints is to enable developers to give feedback manually. It will be possible to black-list each hint (“Do not show this hint again.”). In addition, each hint can be rated with a simple five-star rating (up to “This hint is very useful to me.”). In combination with the context detection [F1], we will record these ratings and learn under which contexts what hints are more important. Beyond these manual ratings, we want to explore automatic learning for improving the presentation of hints to the developers. It will observe the actions of the developers and if they react to the hints shown. For example, if a probable co-change was presented in a hint, does the developer go there and also change something? This will indicate if the hint was useful and should be presented again under similar circumstances.
Rationales [F3] Create a concept for rationales for feedback so that developers understand and get help to act on it. Several modern quality models provide a link from measurements to quality attributes, sometimes with clear explanations (
Empirical Evaluation of the Concepts [E]
Objective E. Empirically evaluate the developed concepts and theory.
Experimental evaluation [E1] Accompanying the theoretical, conceptual and constructive work, we will run a series of experiments with students to investigate the hypothesis “students more likely work and successfully resolve hints if they are supported by the focusing and rationale concept.” Students will be asked to perform maintenance tasks on existing software systems. One group of students will get all the hints generated by all implemented analyses from Objective C. A second group will receive a filtered and ordered subset based on the theories and concepts developed in Objectives C and F.
Evaluation by case studies [E2] We will complement the student experiments with case studies on pilot applications at industrial partners and large student projects. As we do not expect to get a large sample size here, we will investigate another hypothesis more qualitatively: “Developers see benefits in continuous feedback and accept it as part of their daily work.” We will provide the developers with the necessary tooling developed for the other objectives and regularly interview them and observe their work.
Expected Benefits: Advancing from punch cards and receiving the results of compiling and test runs only a day after to online compilation achieved huge productivity gains. The programmers got much quicker feedback on what they had done. Continuous and focused quality feedback can be a similar step up in productivity. Certain parts, such as instant parsing and background compilation, are already implemented in modern IDEs and help the developers to avoid quality problems. We can, however, give much more feedback, e.g. on potential quality problems instantly when the product is created or changed. This will also educate the developers to avoid reoccurring of these problems.
The continuous and focused feedback approach will open up a multitude of research opportunities. New kinds of analyses can be conceived and integrated into the approach. This includes other existing techniques, such as further dynamic or static analyses or mining of other repositories, as well as completely new techniques which might yield interesting information as immediate feedback.
The project will contain theoretical/conceptual/constructive and empirical research. In detail, we will develop the quality information needs theory, create the concepts for prioritisation, rationales and learning, implement prototypes and evaluate all that in experiments and case studies. We will first discuss the work-package strategy, then the time line with milestones and, finally, descriptions of each work package.
Work-package strategy
Ten work packages structure the project into manageable units as shown in
Work packages
WP 1: Information needs theory
Objective. The aim of this WP is to create a quality information needs theory as basis and guide for the continuous and focused feedback. The theory describes the information seeking process, shows how a developer interacts with analyses in general and what factors are relevant for the satisfaction of the developer with provided information. Furthermore, it will contain how an analysis can collect and learn from the feedback of the developer.
Expected Results
Success Criteria: > 30 % higher probability that students work on and resolve hints
Planned Effort: 10 person-months
WP 2: Prioritisation
Objective. The objective of this work package is to provide a mechanism for pro- viding the developers with a prioritised list with only few selected hints most appropriate for the developer’s task at that time.Content
Expected Results
Success Criteria: > 50 % higher probability that students work on and resolve hints (in combination with WP 1)
Planned Effort: 11 person-months
WP 3: Rationales
Objective. The aim of this work package is to provide useful rationales for the hints presented to the developer mined from various sources.Content
Build dynamic slicing mechanism to create rationale for dynamic results (in particular test results)
Expected Results
Success Criteria: > 80 % higher probability that students work on and resolve hints (in combination with WP 1 and 2)
Planned Effort: 8 person-months
WP 4: Analysis distribution
Objective. Although it is not an explicit project objective, we will need to investigate the appropriate distribution of the analyses over the existing servers and the client running the IDE. The aim is to find a distribution concept that requires minimal dependency of the developer on server connections but a performance on the client so that the developer does not notice any disturbances by the analysis runs.
Expected Results
Success Criteria: Students and developers do not notice performance degradation in experiments/case studies.
Planned Effort: 5 person-months
WP 5: Clone detection
Objective. Clone detection is our primary example analysis as it can be applied before and after a change and there are existing results on incremental and immediate feedback. The aim of this work package is to adapt an existing clone detection approach and tool for the application in continuous feedback.
Expected Results
Success Criteria: Functional clone detection approach and implementation
Planned Effort: 6 person-months
WP 6: Coupled change analysis
Objective. In this work package, we will add a second analysis that can be executed before a change is performed. We will build a coupled change analysis to be applied in continuous feedback.
Expected Results
Success Criteria: Functional coupled-change analysis and implementation
Planned Effort: 4 person-months
WP 7: Comment quality analysis
Objective. The aim of this work package is to extend the CoFoDeF approach by a representative analysis which does not only examines the executable code. We will investigate comment analysis. This is an analysis that can be applied after a change (i.e. after changing a comment). Therefore, we will build a comment quality analysis to be applied in continuous feedback.
Expected Results
Success Criteria: Functional comment quality analysis and implementation
Planned Effort: 4 person-months
WP 8: Automated test generation
Objective. The goal of this work package is to establish and validate the integration of test results as an immediate feedback for developers. In particular, we aim at automatically generating and executing test cases on the fly. Ideally, we are able to generate just the test case giving the developer the most information in his or her current context.
Expected Results
Success Criteria: Functional test-case generation implementation
Planned Effort: 5 person-months
WP 9: Empirical evaluation
Objective. This work package concentrates the efforts on empirically evaluating the effects of continuous feedback. We aim to investigate detailed effects in student experiments as well as the overall effect in case studies. (See also the hypotheses defined in Objective E above.)
Collaboration with Dr. Florian Deissenboeck, Dr. Martin Feilkas, Dr. Benjamin Hummel and Dr. Elmar Juergens in the industrial case study at their company
Expected Results
Success Criteria
Planned Effort: 16 person-months
WP 10: Project management
This work package contains the management of the whole project. This includes the coordination of the other work packages, organisation of regular workshops of the team members and with collaboration partners, assessing the project progress, updating the project plan and all necessary reporting. Furthermore, this work package also contains the organisation and execution of the programming and research contests, i.e. negotiating with partners, creating marketing materials, distributing calls, organising prizes and rooms and publicising the results.
Planned Effort: 3 person months
We will publish all data not classified confidential from the collaborating companies or personal data as technical reports to make them available to the community. Where legally possible, we will make the data and source code available on ZENODO, a repository for open research data.
We will deeply integrate this research into our teaching and further collaborations with industry. We plan to provide a series of supervised student projects (BSc theses, MSc theses and guided research projects) as well as to integrate results as part of our lectures on software engineering in particular the master-level course “Software Quality Assurance and Maintenance”. Furthermore, we plan to publish the main results of the project in an open-access journal article.
The research project contains several experiments which involve humans to investigate information needs. All research activities will comply with the Declaration of Helsinki of ethical principles regarding human experimentation.
There are no cooperations planned where agreements with other research foundations would be concerned.
Funding for staff
Non-doctoral research staff: We apply for the funding of two research assistants with the opportunity to prepare for a doctoral degree over the whole three years. In computer science, it is only possible to attract PhD students by offering full-time positions. The PhD students will contribute 72 person-month in total (with 12 person-month per year). One of the students will focus on information needs (WP 1), coupled change analysis (WP 6), prioritisation (WP 2) and comment quality analysis (WP 7), the other on analysis distribution (WP 4), clone detection (WP 5), rationales (WP 3) and automated test generation (WP 8) while both work together on the empirical studies (WP 9) and project management (WP 10).
The project needs technical infrastructure to develop tool support. Hence, we need a dedicated test server and a development server (see below). The build-up, development and administration will be covered by the full-time technical administrator of my group.
Student assistants: We apply for funding of two student assistants working 8.5h/week at the local standard rates at Uni Stuttgart (€ 500/month). These students will support the research assistants in planning and executing the experiments as well as the case studies (WP 9). For example, they will prepare example software the study subjects have to modify, implement online questionnaires for data collection and take care of videotaping developer observations. The student assistants will also help in the implementation of the various tool prototypes.
Direct project costs
Equipment up to € 10,000, software and consumables
Standard workstations/laptops for the staff will be supplied using the funds of the research group.
We will need a dedicated development server to facilitate modern software development. It will hold the source code repository, an issue tracker, a mailing list and a development Wiki for documentation. We will also use it to serve as public web server for information to the public. This allows us to make the development artefacts and source code public easily when we choose to open source the software. We plan to use a MacPro server for that. With the education price, this will cost us € 3,999.
Code analysis and data mining are often very expensive computing tasks. Hence, for an efficient and usable computation of the quality control knowledge and fast queries, we request a dedicated test server as quality control server. We plan to use a powerful Mac Pro which costs € 9,648.
Travel expenses For the case study with CQSE, both research assistants will have to travel to Munich seven times and stay for three days to conduct the observations and interviews. This gives a cost of € 5,600 in total. The case study with AEB does only cost local transport fees. We plan with € 100.
The assistant working on information needs and repository mining will visit Harald Gall and Thomas Fritz twice for four weeks each to collaborate on these tasks. For train tickets and hotel, we expect € 4200 in total.
We plan to publish the results primarily in international conferences. The most relevant ones for us are the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), the Automated Software Engineering Conference (ASE), the International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME) and the International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER) and their co-located workshops.
Therefore, we calculate costs of € 1,800 for participating in SANER 2017, € 1,800 for participating in ICSE 2017, € 1,800 for participating in ASE 2017, € 1,800 for participating in SANER 2018, € 3,600 for participating in ICSE 2018 (both research assistants), € 1,800 for participating in ASE 2018, € 3,600, € 1,800 for participating in ICSME 2018 and € 1,800 for participating in SANER 2019.
Other: We request specific funds for compensating experiment subjects. We plan to perform two experiments with our students (WP 9). To not interfere with the grading of regular subjects, we will conduct the experiments outside of normal courses. To motivate the students to participate, we will pay them a small compensation based on the salary for student assistants. In particular, we plan to have about 30 participants with 8 hours of work each in each experiment. In total, these are costs of € 7,500.
Project-related publication expenses: Finally, we plan to publish a journal article about the overall resulting approach and its empirical evaluation at a journal with open access option which will result in publication costs of € 2,000.
Module: Project-Specific Workshops
We will seek the help of the Eclipse community in WP 2 and run a programming contest at the next Eclipse conference for the easiest-to-understand graphical interface for displaying hints to developers. We want to stimulate discussion on that topic in the community and benefit from creative ideas. Furthermore, it will make our project already more widely known. As an incentive for developers to submit a visualisation proposal, we plan to award the best proposal (as evaluated by a small committee) with a prize of € 500. We aim to hold the contest at the next international EclipseCon 2017. We plan travel costs for two organisers of the programming contest at € 1,800 each. So, we expect a total cost of € 4,100.
In WP 1, we plan a second series of contests targeted at three research communities. As the four analyses we have chosen to investigate are only exemplary, we want other researchers to include their analyses into our continuous feedback concept. This disseminates our results into the community and allows us to investigate further analyses in the case studies in year 3. This will contain three workshops/events at corresponding scientific conferences. We plan to run a challenge at the International Conference on Mining Software Repositories in 2017, a workshop together with the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis 2017 and a workshop at the Static Analysis Symposium 2017. The incentive for the researchers to participate will be the publication of the companying papers in the conference/workshop proceedings. To intensify this incentive, I also plan a subsequent journal special issue on continuous feedback in, for example, the Automated Software Engineering Journal. I plan to have two organisers at each challenge or workshop. The first organiser will be the applicant. The second one will be one of the project staff for whom we expect travel costs of € 1,800 per workshop. In total this gives € 7,200.
We show the distribution of the work packages over the three years of the project in
In year 2, we will refine, rework and empirically test the information needs theory based on the experience from year 1. We will continue to work on clone detection (after the change) and add two new analyses: comment quality analysis (WP 7) and automated test generation (WP 8). Also for those analyses, we will investigate how to distribute the analysis. Finally, we will start working on the prioritisation of the hints generated by the analyses. All this work will be accompanied by experiments to validate the feedback approach.
In year 3, we will finalise the prioritisation and extract rationales (WP 3) from various sources to be included in the hints. The main focus, however, will lay on the empirical evaluation in larger case studies.
The milestones and success criteria for all three years are summarised in
Milestones and success criteria (with corresponding objectives in square brackets)
Milestone 1 (Year 1) |
unctional clone detection before analysis and coupled change analysis [I1], initial in- teraction and learning concept [I3], initial analysis distribution solution, initial empirical evaluation in student experiments with acceptable performance impact on the IDE and > 30 % higher probability of students to work on and successfully resolve a hint with the interaction and learning than without |
Milestone 2 (Year 2) |
Complete interaction and learning concept [I3], functional clone detection after analy- sis, comment quality analysis and automated test generation [I2], analysis distribution solution, context-specific prioritisation [P1], empirical evaluation in student experiments with no noticeable performance impact on the IDE and a > 50 % higher probability of students to work on and successfully resolve a hint with interaction, learning and prioritisation than without |
Milestone 3 (Year 3) |
Final prioritisation solution [P2, P3], rationales [R1, R2, R3], student experiments with a > 80 % higher probability of students to work on and successfully resolve a hint with interaction, learning, prioritisation and rationales than without, case studies with a large student project and an industrial project showing acceptance and benefits of continuous feedback in a realistic environment over six month |
Wagner, Stefan: Full, permanent professorship at the University of Stuttgart
I have two senior research assistants financed by the university who work on topics closely related to the content of this project. Therefore, they will work with the project team and dedicate substantial parts of their working time to it.
The cooperation with CQSE and AEB in case studies is described in above. The cooperation is solely for conducting empirical studies.
I am working as a freelancer in software development. There is no direct relationship to the project proposal.
I would like to thank Daniel Graziotin who reviewed the proposal and gave valuable feedback.
This proposal has been submitted to the DFG Research Grant programme.
Institute of Software Technology, University of Stuttgart