Research Ideas and Outcomes :
Grant Proposal
Corresponding author: Steluta Manolache (
Received: 02 Feb 2021 | Published: 03 Feb 2021
© 2021 Marian Mirea, Steluta Manolache, Cristiana Pioarca-Ciocanea, Andreea Nita, Iulia Miu, Viorel Popescu, Bekka Brodie, Matei Dragomir, Ion Militaru, Silviu Chiriac, Laurentiu Rozylowicz
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Mirea MD, Manolache S, Pioarca-Ciocanea CM, Nita A, Miu IV, Popescu VD, Brodie BS, Dragomir MI, Militaru I, Chiriac S, Rozylowicz L (2021) Conservation of saproxylic beetles in the Carpathians. Research Ideas and Outcomes 7: e63874.
Romanian Carpathians are considered a biodiversity hotspot in Europe, with large forested areas, including old-growth forests. Past forestry practices, such as selective logging resulting in forest high grading and removal of ancient or decaying trees, reduced the heterogeneity of forest structure and composition. These practices led to forest habitats with few veteran trees and a small amount of deadwood, which protected saproxylic beetles rely on for completing their complex life cycles. Moreover, saproxylic species are considered pest species under traditional forestry practices, as they reduce the value of timber. As such, Romanian forestry practices have actively sought to reduce the amount of deadwood in an effort to decrease the presence of saproxylic species, thus effectively isolating stands with a high diversity of saproxylic beetles.
The European Commission will finance the project LIFE19 NAT/RO/000023 Conservation of saproxylic beetles in the Carpathians LIFE ROsalia. The project aims to stop and reverse the loss of protected saproxylic beetles (Rosalia longicorn Rosalia alpina, the hermit beetle Osmoderma eremita, great capricorn beetle Cerambyx cerdo, grey beetle Morimus funereus, and stag beetle Lucanus cervus) in the Carpathians by demonstrating conservation actions for increasing the connectivity of favorable habitats in the ROSCI0208 Putna-Vrancea (Eastern Carpathians, Romania), and transferring and replicating best management practices in other Romanian Natura 2000 sites.
LIFE ROsalia will be implemented between 2020 and 2025 by the Environmental Protection Agency Vrancea, the Center for Environmental Research at the University of Bucharest, the Putna-Vrancea Natural Park Administration, and the Association for Biodiversity Conservation.
Saproxylic beetles, Habitats Directive, EU Biodiversity strategy for 2030, Natura 2000, Putna-Vrancea Natural Park, LIFE Nature
Carpații sunt printre cele mai importante centre de biodiversitate din Europa, datorită gradului mare de împădurire și a prezenței unor suprafețe importante cu păduri seculare. Practicile silviculturale din trecut nu au avut mereu biodiversitatea ca obiectiv central al gospodăririi fondului forestier. De exemplu, arborii seculari sau arborii maturi vătămați au fost recoltați selectiv, rezultând parcele forestiere cu structuri și compoziții lipsite de heterogenitate. În unele zonele, astfel de practici au dus la păstrarea unui număr foarte mic de arbori seculari și cantități reduse de lemn mort, periclitând habitatele unor specii de coleoptere saproxilice protejate. Astfel de specii erau considerate în trecut ca fiind dăunători biotici, astfel că practicile silviculturale căutau să reducă pe cât posibil cantitatea de lemn mort prin tăieri de igienă sau chiar tratamente chimice, izolând sau eliminând parcelele cu diversitate mare de coleopetere saproxilice.
În vederea atingerii obiectivelor Directivei Habitate, Comisia Europeană va finanța proiectul LIFE Nature LIFE19 NAT/RO/000023 Conservarea coleopterelor saproxilice din Carpați LIFE ROsalia. Proiectul va contribui la implementarea unor bune practici de conservare a coleopterelor saproxilice demonstrate în alte zone din Europa, fiind primul proiect LIFE din România care vizează conservarea unor specii saproxilice. Scopul proiectului este stoparea și inversarea tendinței de pierdere a habitatelor speciilor de coleoptere saproxilice cu areal în Carpați protejate prin Directive Habitate (croitorul alpin Rosalia alpina*, gândacul sihastru Osmoderma eremita*, croitorul mare Cerambyx cerdo, croitorul cenușiu Morimus funereus și rădașca Lucanus cervus), prin demonstrarea unor acțiuni de conservare pentru creșterea conectivității habitatelor favorabile în ROSCI0208 Putna Vrancea (Parcul Natural Putna-Vrancea) și replicarea activităților cele mai potrivite în alte situri Natura 2000 din România.
LIFE ROsalia va fi implementat de un consorțiu alcătuit din Agenția pentru Protecția Mediului Vrancea (beneficiar coordonator), Universitatea din București, Centrul de Cercetare a Mediului și de Efectuare a Studiilor de Impact, RNP Romsilva Administrația Parcului Natural Putna-Vrancea RA și Asociația pentru Conservarea Diversității Biologice (beneficiari asociați).
Romanian Carpathians are considered a biodiversity hotspot in Europe, hosting large forested areas, including old-growth forests (
LIFE ROsalia project (Fig.
The project objectives are:
The project targets five saproxylic beetles’ species, protected by EU Habitats Directive (* indicate a priority species
Rosalia Longicorn Rosalia alpina* – Natura 2000 code 1087
Listed in Annex II of Habitats Directive (
The Hermit Beetle Osmoderma eremita* – Natura 2000 code 1084
Listed in Annex II of Habitats Directive (
The Great Capricorn beetle Cerambyx cerdo - Natura 2000 code 1088
Listed in Annex II of Habitats Directive (
The Grey Beetle Morimus funereus – Natura 2000 code 1089
Listed in Annex II of Habitats Directive (
The Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus – Natura 2000 code 1083
Listed in Annex II of Habitats Directive (
Putna-Vrancea Natural Park, Vrancea Mountains NATURA 2000 Code ROSCI0208 Putna-Vrancea
Putna-Vrancea Natural Park was established in 2004 by Government Decision 2151 regarding establishing the protected natural area regime. The area conservation status was elevated as Natura 2000 area, i.e., Site of Community Importance ROSCI0208 Putna-Vrancea and Special Protection Area ROSPA0088 Vrancea Mountains (
Putna-Vrancea Natura 2000 site overlaps the central and northwestern sectors of the Vrancea Mountains (Fig.
To date, researchers described over 650 vascular plants, a high species richness for a mountain area. Species of conservation interests include the lady's-slipper orchid (Cypripedium calceolus), the dwarf mountain pine (Pinus mugo), the common yew (Taxus baccata), the globeflower (Trollius europaeus), and the edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) (
In Putna-Vrancea Natura 2000 were identified over 180 vertebrates species, many of them protected by Habitats Directive, Birds Directive, Romanian Government Emergency Ordinance 57/2007 (regarding protected area and conservation of species and habitats), Bern Convention (Conservation of European Wildlife and Habitats) and Bonn Convention (Convention for the Protection of Migratory Species). Ten vertebrates species, other than birds, are strictly protected (
Fauna of Putna-Vrancea Natura 2000 site is a typical one for an Eastern European mountain area. The most common mammals in the area are red deer (Cervus elaphus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), tree marten (Martes martes), fox (Vulpes vulpes), badger (Meles meles), wildcat (Felis silvestris), chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra). Moreover, there are also a high number of small and medium-sized mammals species such as rodents: the bank vole (Myodes glareolus), the common vole (Microtus arvalis), the short-tailed vole (Microtus agrestis), the yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis), the common dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius), Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) (
Large carnivores (bear, wolf, lynx) and otter are key wildlife species in the area (
A large number of bird species inhabits Putna-Vrancea, many of them being species protected by national and international legislation: the western capercaillie (Tetrao urogalus), the hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia), the lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina), the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), the common buzzard (Buteo buteo), the common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), the red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus), the Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus), the Ural owl (Strix uralensis), brown owl (Strix aluco), the Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo), the long-eared owl (Asio otus), raven (Corvus corax), white-backed woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos), the great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) (
Herpetofauna is also specific to the mountain area, being represented by species such as the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra), the alpine newt (Triturus alpestris), the northern crested newt (Triturus cristatus), the yellow-bellied frog (Bombina variegata), the agile frog (Rana dalmatina), the adder (Vipera berus), the wall lizard (Podarcis muralis), the viviparous lizard (Zootoca vivipara), the slowworm (Anguis fragilis), the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) (
The environmental factors in Putna-Vrancea Natura 2000 site favor the presence of deciduous trees (
Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests
On acidic soils from Putna-Vrancea Natura 2000 dominates Fagus sylvatica, however, at a higher elevation(over 1200 m), the prevailing species are Abies alba and Picea abies (Fagus sylvatica-Abies alba or Fagus sylvatica-Abies alba-Picea abies forests). The understory is dominated by Luzula luzuloides, Polytrichum formosum, Deschampsia flexuosa, Calamagrostis villosa, Vaccinium myrtillus, Pteridium aquilinum.
Asperulo-Fagetum beech forests
On neutral or near-neutral soils from Putna-Vrancea Natura 2000 dominates Fagus sylvatica, however, at a higher elevation (over 1200 m) the prevailing species are Abies alba and Picea abies (Fagus sylvatica-Abies alba or Fagus sylvatica-Abies alba-Picea abies forests). The understory includes species such as Anemone nemorosa, Lamiastrum galeobdolon, Galium odoratum, Melica uniflora and Dentaria spp.
Alluvial forests of Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)
Acidophilic forests with Picea from the mountain zone to the alpine (Vaccinio-Piceetea), on a small area on Goru and Lacauti ridge. The forests are dominated by Picea abies and are divided into subalpine spruce forests and lower elevation spruce forests in areas unfavorable to Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba. Such forests are found in a small area in Putna and Zabala rivers.
Socio-economic environment
Putna-Vrancea Natural Park includes three communes (Nistoreşti, Tulnici, Păuleşti) with four villages (Coza, Tulnici, Greșu, Lepșa). The area is inhabited by 10,000 people. The local economy is dominated by subsistence agriculture, livestock, and forestry (70%). Tourism is a growing industry, especially in Lepșa and Greșu. Putna-Vrancea Natural Park receives over 40,000 tourists/year, mostly on weekends and public holidays (
Lack of suitable habitats for saproxylic beetles
The abundance of protected saproxylic species is heavily influenced by habitat conditions, such as the amount of deadwood, presence of old trees, diversity of tree species, and amount of light penetrating the forest stands (
When compared to their potential distribution in Romania, Rosalia alpina and Osmoderma eremita are found in few forest stands and are disconnected from highly valuable populations in old-growth forests stands (e.g., the Southern Carpathians) (
Lack of understanding of the value of saproxylic beetles’ communities
Saproxylic beetles can inflict economic damage to the timber industry, which is the main reason why they are considered forest pests (
Lack of awareness regarding suitable actions for promoting favorable conservation status for saproxylic beetles
Even the species are protected under Habitats Directive, Romanian Natura 2000 and forest managers do not always promote concrete conservation activities (
To solve identified conservation issues in Putna-Vrancea ROSCI0208 and unlock the conservation of saproxylic insects in Romania, we will implement the following activities:
Preparatory actions
To ensure a smooth implementation of project activities and to comply with various legal requirements, we will carry out several preparatory activities, necessary to develop the implementation plans to the necessary level of details: Detailed work plans for conservation activities (Preliminary inventory of forest structure and communities related with deadwood; Update ownership list; Produce technical plans for implementation of concrete conservation actions; Produce detailed intervention maps; Produce methodologies for monitoring concrete conservation activities; Produce a buying green guide); Ex-ante survey and planning for awareness and educational activities (Questionnaires for sociologic investigation; Producing the implementation and replication strategy; Establishing the final monitoring indicators); Project and regional kick-off meetings and training of team; Obtaining EIA and Natura 2000 permits; Action plan for target species (Studies for conservation status at Romanian level, elaboration of plan, public debates; legal approval); Legal advising for contracts with landowners (to safeguard a 20-years sustainability).
Concrete conservation actions
Planned conservation actions cover different methods for improving the habitats for the 5 target species: speeding-up decaying habitats, increase the amount of deadwood, improve the availability of light, participatory monitoring and demonstrative use of semiochemical. We will work in 22 intervention areas (12 km2), which will result in improving at least 380 km2 and spillover in other Natura 2000 sites. The planned actions are: Creating standing deadwood to promote decaying habitats: Creation of 625 veteran-like trees by veteranisation of young trees and of 303 sun-exposed snags by modifying existing snags; Provisions of deadwood for saproxylic beetles: Creating and installing 171 custom-made wood mould boxes and of 508 wood piles as microhabitats ready to be colonized; Follow-up activities; Shrubs removal for improving saproxylic beetles habitats mostly around veteran-like trees, Participatory monitoring and demonstrative use of semiochemicals as a conservation method by developing of a participatory monitoring app designed for forest owners and managers and a demonstrative use of pheromones as non-lethal a sanitation method.
Monitoring actions
To evaluate the effectiveness of concrete conservation activities and their social impact and correct the actions if necessary, we planned a comprehensive set of monitoring actions: Monitoring of saproxylic insects within intervention areas; Monitoring of saproxylic insects and forest structure within the entire site (as a benchmark); Monitoring of ecosystem services and of social / economic impact; Monitoring of awareness activities, and Monitoring key project indicators. The actions foresee deliverables at regular time intervals to inform on time the experts working on concrete conservation on the outcome of their interventions.
Communication actions
To effectively replicate the conservation actions, we also planned a complete set of communication activities: Dissemination of project objectives and activities leaflets, Press conferences, web site, information panels, posters; Layman report (incl video); Awareness activities for local inhabitants; educational nature trail; small display area, exhibitions with children drawings, photo exhibitions and guided fieldwork for children, postcards, flyers for local inhabitants, Meetings with local stakeholders. Dissemination of technical solutions and scientific outreach; Handbook with best practice examples of conservation activities (for foresters / Natura 2000 managers), movie on “How to maintain forest health without losing biodiversity”, Participation to scientific events, Publishing articles, Guided field visits; Networking with other projects and closing event Visits to other LIFE projects in Europe and Romania, Receiving visits from other LIFE projects.
Management actions
We planned a set of management actions to facilitate the technical and administrative implementation of the proposal: Technical and financial project management, After-LIFE, and External audit.
The main impacts of the proposal are improved conservation statuses at the end of the project for Rosalia alpina*, Osmoderma eremita* and other co-benefiting species (Morimus funereus, Cerambyx cerdo, Lucanus cervus) in ROSCI0208 Putna-Vrancea and ensuring medium and long term conservation of saproxylic insects in Romania. The proposal will improve 200 km2 of Rosalia alpina and Lucanus cevus occupied habitats in Romania, and 100 km2 of favourable habitats to Osmoderma eremita*, Morimus funereus and Cerambyx cerdo ranges. We estimate that this will lead to an increase of 10-20% of suitable habitats and population abundance in Romania. Furthermore, by creating a national action plan for the five endangered species, the proposal will positively impact these species at the national level, while avoiding costly conflicts with forest owners and managers. Lastly, the proposal will contribute to changing the paradigm of conservation of saproxylic beetles, from passive conservation (keeping some mature trees in the logged area) to concrete conservation (actively seeking to create veteran trees and keep large quantities of deadwood in the forest).
The expected results are:
1) demonstrating the creation of the next generation of veteran trees for Rosalia alpina*, Osmoderma eremita*, Morimus funereus, Cerambyx cerdo, Lucanus cervus in areas lacking suitable habitats by altering 625 trees from 22 intervention areas in ROSCI0208 Putna-Vrancea, covering 1200 ha.
2) producing 303 sun-exposed snags near veteran-like trees to act as a reproduction habitat for Rosalia longicorn and other saproxylic beetles living in sun-exposed areas.
3) providing artificial and natural deadwood habitats to attract saproxylic insects and facilitate reproduction and dispersal in the 22 stepping-stone intervention areas by creating 171 custom made wood mould boxes and 508 wood piles.
4) clearing of overgrowth near the newly provided deadwood for improving Osomoderma eremita*, Rosalia alpina*, Morimus funereus, Cerambyx cerdo and Lucanus cervus habitats (clearing understory on ~ 20 ha).
5) developing participatory monitoring of insects by involving forest owners and managers to change the perception of saproxylic insects as pest species and decrease harmful forest management techniques such as removing deadwood.
6) introducing the use of semiochemicals (pheromones) as an environmentally-friendly forest sanitation method to prevent harming protected saproxylic beetles.
7) actively involving over 1,000 professionals (forestry managers, forest owners, Natura 2000 managers) and over 15,000 members of the general public from Romania and EU in the conservation of saproxylic beetles.
8) ensure the medium and long-term conservation of saproxylic insects by legally binding a national action plan for the five target species.
The project LIFE ROsalia is implemented in an area where all partners have good connections and developed other conservation projects, including those financed by LIFE. This project is a follow-up of a small pilot grant (The Romanian Longicorn beetle project) aiming at testing efficient methods for conservation of insects and during the preparation, we identified several expected risks, constraints, and mitigation measures. The project actions and proposed management have been designed to allow efficient control of the project's technical and financial aspects.
Availability of intervention areas / Likelihood - unlikely / Impact moderate. We selected the intervention areas based on a connectivity model, aiming at providing core populations for the Carpathians. The land is private property, and we confirmed the availability with the owners. During the project, we will explore 6 more backup areas in the region.
Delays in obtaining permits / Likelihood - unlikely / Impact moderate. The beneficiary is the environmental authority in charge of issuing permits in Vrancea. The permits will be issued by NEPA, and our expertise will allow us to achieve the results on time. For this, we foresee a 3-month extra time.
Delays due to weather / Likelihood - likely / Impact moderate. Extreme events such as floods can occur and block the roads. To minimize the risks, we selected intervention areas close to roads to expect an opening in a short time. We also foresee buffer time for each planned activity, including the entire project. We also choose to purchase off-road cars to have access to intervention areas in the case of such events.
Contractual issues / Likelihood - unlikely / Impact high. It is possible that some of the contractors will not fulfill the targets specified within the contracts. In order to avoid these situations, the contracts will include strict stipulations related to interim and progress reports and the management team will enforce the law.
Availability of stakeholders / Likelihood - unlikely / Impact medium. The most important constraints associated with the involvement of stakeholders are related to identifying a convenient date for most of the participants. To avoid inadequate scheduling, we have foreseen a larger period of time in which to organize the events. Due to the long term projects and interests of the different partners, we also have access to a very significant database of experts, stakeholders and interested NGOs members, which will represent the selection base for the participants to become the replication agents.
Contribution to the specific objectives of the priority areas
The project will significantly contribute to priority areas as set out in Article 12 of LIFE Regulation. More specifically, will improve the conservation status of five endangered and neglected saproxylic beetles’ population and dependent habitats.
Currently, SDF for Putna-Vrancea ROSCI0208 reveals little about the target saproxylic species (
Rosalia longicorn is included in the SDF of Putna-Vrancea ROSCI0208 as present (
Osmoderma eremita is included in the SDF of Putna-Vrancea as data deficient (
Cerambyx cerdo, Morimus funereus, and Lucanus cervus are not included in the SDF of Putna-Vrancea but present according to the Putna-Vrancea Natural Park Administration. Lucanus cervus is in U2 Unfavourable-Bad in Alpine region and present in 1000 km2, Cerambyx cerdo is in U2 Unfavourable-Bad and present in 400 km2 and Morimus funereus is in U1 Unfavourable-Inadequate and present in 300 km2 (
The proposal will demonstrate actions novel for Romania, which can then be implemented by projects financed by other EU and national programmes, such as the European Regional Development Fund and Common Agricultural Policies environmental measures. The project can also greatly contribute to Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 if more areas from Putna-Vrancea will become strictly protected (
Synergies and integration of environmental objectives into other Union policy areas
Our project approach demonstrates how insects improve forest health and gain the trust of forest managers in proposed conservation activities, thus avoiding conflicts between promoters of conservation measures (i.e., Natura 2000 managers) and forest owners and managers. There are no large-scale conservation initiatives targeting saproxylic insects in Romania, due to the poor knowledge of species requirements and forest managers' opposition. Because saproxylic insects lower trees' market value, they are perceived as pest species and persecuted by forestry practices. However, stakeholders' biodiversity value can be positively perceived if the role in ecosystems is demonstrated and presented in layman terms and accessible to the general public (
Adopting Green public procurement
Newly adopted Romanian legislation (Law 69/2016 on green public procurement) encourages green procurement to minimize the impact of purchased items on the environment. The law complies with EU Buying Green Guide. Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency (APM VN) as a representative of environmental authority in the region will apply GPP rules for items purchased during the project and will implement activities with a minimal impact on the local environment. Thus, we have foreseen the elaboration of a guide for green public procurement, specifically designed for proposed items. APM VN will adopt this guide as the standard for procurement during the project. A special provision regarding GPP will be inserted in the partnership agreement between APM VN and associated beneficiaries. Moreover, we will publish the guide on the project webpage in order to contribute to a better implementation of GPP in Romania. The proposal will also use the Ministry of Environment's experience on GPP (
Uptake of the results of other EU-financed projects
The project has been prepared by our staff by using examples from other EU-financed projects adapted to the local situation. Specifically, we included actions demonstrated as efficient in other countries such as pollarding, installing wood mould boxes, participatory monitoring, etc. (
We planned our proposal as a demonstration case with a high transferability value and a clear replication strategy. The replicability and transfer activities go beyond continuation, dissemination, and networking and actively seek to multiply the project's impacts and mobilize a wider uptake during and after the project at the national level. In Romania, concrete conservation activities rarely target saproxylic insects due to their designation as pest species before creating Natura 2000. While most protected area managers are looking to improve these species' status, few are aware of effective conservation measures such as those tested in other parts of the EU. We included in our proposal activities matching as much as possible the conditions from other Natura 2000 sites in Romania. We will veteranize trees to speed up the colonization of habitats with limited availability of deadwood (such as young forests), create habitats for the reproduction of species dependent on sunny areas (sun exposed trees snags, clearing the understory), create artificial habitats for species depending on deadwood (wood mould boxes and wood piles), and demonstrate a push and pull strategy for reducing the number of saproxylic insects when necessary.
Demonstrated conservation activities will be replicated using the following tools:
1. Reports and information materials including information about how the demonstrated method might be applied in other geographic areas and habitats: a manual for stakeholders on how semiochemicals as an environmentally friendly sanitation method; Handbook with best practice examples of conservation activities for saproxylic insects; a movie on “How to maintain forest health without losing biodiversity".
2. Demonstration visits organized for stakeholders from other geographic areas and habitats field trips with 40 forest owners and PA managers to promote demonstrating an environmentally-friendly sanitation method and change the attitude toward the saproxylic insects.
3. Creating a mobile application for the identification of protected saproxylic insects by stakeholders.
5. Producing scientific materials: participating in scientific events with presentations, publishing scientific articles.
6. Elaborating and legally binding the first national action plan for the five saproxylic insects targeted by the project, including a detailed description of actions and areas suitable for replication.
7. Creating a replicability plan for five other areas: e.g., Soveja, Făgăraș, Râul Putna, Dălhăuți, Lunca Siretului Inferior.
The replicators of our activities will be forest owners and managers (for example, ROMSILVA - protected areas office, communal owners Hăulișca, Păulești, Tulnici, county forestry offices from Vrancea, Bacău, Buzău), Natura 2000 managers (for example, The National Agency for Protected Natural Areas from Buzău, Sibiu, Vrancea, Bacău counties, Iron Gates Natural Park Administration, Domogled Valea Cernei National Park Administration, Microregional Association Pogány-Havas), consultants for the development of Natura 2000 management plans, local community (for example, local inhabitants from Soveja, Greșu, Ojdula, Tulnici, Negrilești, Bârsești, Păulești, Hăulișca), conservationists (to transfer the examples to students). Replicators were already contacted and agreed to take part in the proposal when requested by the beneficiary. The Ministry of Environment agreed to legally bind the plan until the project end. The process will include a nationwide consultation of stakeholders.
These activities will lead to improved habitats for saproxylic insects and the creation of the next generation of conservation professionals, adopting novel conservation methods and changing the formal and informal silvicultural practices in Romania.
LIFE19 NAT/RO/000023 Conservation of saproxylic beetles in the Carpathians LIFE ROsalia (2020 - 2025) is co-financed by the LIFE programme 2014-2020, the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action (75% of eligible costs). The balance is provided by the Ministry of Environment, Waters, and Forests (APM VN contribution to the project), University of Bucharest (UNIBUC contribution to the project), RNP Romsilva Putna-Vrancea Natural Park Administration (PVNP contribution to the project), and Association for Biodiversity Conservation (ACDB contribution to the project).
LIFE19 NAT/RO/000023 Conservation of saproxylic beetles in the Carpathians LIFE ROsalia (2020 - 2025).
Coordinating beneficiary
Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency (APM VN, Agenția pentru Protecția Mediului Vrancea, Romania)
Associated beneficiaries
University of Bucharest, Center for Environmental Research and Impact Studies (UNIBUC, Universitatea din București, Centrul de Cercetare a Mediului și de Efectuare a Studiilor de Impact, Romania)
Putna-Vrancea Natural Park Administration (PVNP, RNP Romsilva Administrația Parcului Natural Putna-Vrancea RA, Romania)
Association for Biodiversity Conservation (ACDB, Asociația pentru Conservarea Diversității Biologice, Romania)
Grant concept, writing, and technical revision
Steluta Manolache, Cristiana M. Pioarca-Ciocanea, Andreea Nita, Viorel D. Popescu, Bekka S. Brodie, Laurentiu Rozylowicz
Grant revision
Silviu Chiriac, Matei I. Dragomir, Ion Militaru
Article writing and revision
Marian D. Mirea, Iulia V. Miu, Steluta Manolache, Andreea Nita, Viorel D. Popescu, Bekka S. Brodie, Laurentiu Rozylowicz
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.