Research Ideas and Outcomes :
Research Idea
Corresponding author: Helen Minnis (
Received: 28 Nov 2019 | Published: 27 Feb 2020
© 2020 Helen Minnis, Maj-Britt Posserud, Lucy Thompson, Christopher Gillberg
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Minnis H, Posserud M-B, Thompson L, Gillberg C (2020) Hypothesis: The highly folded brain surface might be structured and located so as to facilitate inter-brain synchronization. Research Ideas and Outcomes 6: e48887.
We integrate recent findings from neuro-anatomy, electroencephalography, quantum biology and social/neurodevelopment to propose that the brain surface might be specialised for communication with other brains.
Ground breaking, but still small-scale, research has demonstrated that human brains can act in synchrony and detect the brain activity of other human brains. Group aggregation, in all species, maximises community support and safety but does not depend on verbal or visual interaction. The morphology of the brain’s outermost layers, across a wide range of species, exhibits a highly folded fractal structure that is likely to maximise exchange at the surface: in humans, a reduced brain surface area is associated with disorders of social communication. The brain sits in a vulnerable exposed location where it is prone to damage, rather than being housed in a central location such as within the ribcage.
These observations have led us to the hypothesis that the brain surface might be specialised for interacting with other brains at its surface, allowing synchronous non-verbal interaction. To our knowledge, this has not previously been proposed or investigated.
Brain surface, two-person neuroscience, brain-brain synchrony, quantum biological processes
In 2009, the gauntlet was thrown down for brain sciences to develop “two-person neuroscience” (
The brain surface is ideally structured, and the brain is ideally located, to facilitate synchronous interaction between community members independent of sense organs.
To present arguments for developing this novel perspective, with reference to recent data and ideas from various scientific fields.
To generate testable sub- hypotheses that we hope will stimulate integrative cross-disciplinary research about the role of the brain surface.
Objects in nature that are specialised for a surface exchange function tend to have multiple units terminating at the surface, organised in a self-similar or fractal pattern. Such fractals are widely present in nature, from trees to mitochondria (
In advanced species, social groups support cooperative activities and protect against harm (
The location of the brain is curious from the perspective of its extreme vulnerability. It is the control centre for human consciousness, cognition, peripheral organ function and homeostasis and has a delicate gelatinous consistency. It is therefore strange that evolution has resulted in it being one of the extremities of the body rather than being safely housed centrally (e.g. within the bony rib cage), as is the heart. Its vulnerability is underlined by the fact that, in bicycle accidents and other falls, the most common cause of death is brain injury (
Recent studies of the fractal geometry of the brain have shown that reduced surface area and folding are associated with severe neurodevelopmental problems, such as Schizophrenia and William’s Syndrome (a chromosomal disorder with unique behavioural features) (
Cacioppo has suggested that consciousness (defined as “the state of being aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings”) (
Most traditional theories of consciousness within the brain could not be extrapolated to synchronous consciousness across more than one brain (e.g.
If the quantum processes described by Penrose and Hameroff can account for entanglement across wide areas of a single brain, there is no reason why they cannot account for entanglement across more than one brain. Although the Penrose-Hameroff theory of consciousness has not yet been proven, the rapidly advancing fields of inter-brain synchrony (
Investigation of brain-brain surface interaction is likely to help us better understand important human phenomena such as parent-child interaction and social communication, ushering in the era of two-person neuroscience. When more sophisticated technologies are available to examine the way many brains might interact in networks, we may begin to understand group phenomena as disparate as sense of belonging, radicalisation and zeitgeist formation.
The brain is highly folded at its surface and, like other highly folded fractal structures in nature, it might have an important exchange function in communication at its surface. It is positioned in a vulnerable location in the body, especially in humans, but a location that might be ideal for a role in group interaction. Group processes in all species, including humans, goes beyond verbal and visual interaction. We propose that the structure and location of the brain surface might support quantum biological processes that allow shared consciousness and facilitate group cohesion.
None of the authors have competing interests.
We are grateful to Justin Schniederman and Anthea McKinley for comments on earlier drafts and to Irene O’Neill for help with referencing.