Research Ideas and Outcomes :
Grant Proposal
Corresponding author: Christiane Werner (, Ulrike Wallrabe (
Received: 10 Jun 2024 | Published: 12 Jul 2024
© 2024 Christiane Werner, Ulrike Wallrabe, Andreas Christen, Laura Comella, Carsten Dormann, Anna Göritz, Rüdiger Grote, Simon Haberstroh, Mazin Jouda, Ralf Kiese, Barbara Koch, Jan Korvink, Jürgen Kreuzwieser, Friederike Lang, Julian Müller, Oswald Prucker, Alexander Reiterer, Jürgen Rühe, Stefan Rupitsch, Helmer Schack-Kirchner, Katrin Schmitt, Nina Stobbe, Markus Weiler, Peter Woias, Jürgen Wöllenstein
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Werner C, Wallrabe U, Christen A, Comella L, Dormann C, Göritz A, Grote R, Haberstroh S, Jouda M, Kiese R, Koch B, Korvink J, Kreuzwieser J, Lang F, Müller J, Prucker O, Reiterer A, Rühe J, Rupitsch S, Schack-Kirchner H, Schmitt K, Stobbe N, Weiler M, Woias P, Wöllenstein J (2024) ECOSENSE - Multi-scale quantification and modelling of spatio-temporal dynamics of ecosystem processes by smart autonomous sensor networks. Research Ideas and Outcomes 10: e129357.
Global climate change threatens ecosystem functioning worldwide. Forest ecosystems are particularly important for carbon sequestration, thereby buffering climate change and providing socio-economic services. However, recurrent stresses, such as heat waves, droughts and floods can affect forests with potential cascading effects on their carbon sink capacity, drought resilience and sustainability. Knowledge about the stress impact on the multitude of processes driving soil-plant-atmosphere interactions within these complex forest systems is widely lacking and uncertainty about future changes extremely high. Thus, forecasting forest response to climate change will require a dramatically improved process understanding of carbon and water cycling across various temporal (minutes to seasons) and spatial (leaf to ecosystem) scales covering atmosphere, biosphere, pedosphere and hydrosphere components.
Many relevant processes controlling carbon and water exchange occur at small scales (e.g. rhizosphere, single leaf) with a high spatial and temporal variability, which is poorly constrained. However, interactions and feedback loops can be key players that amplify or dampen a system’s response to stress. Moreover, spatial and temporal scaling rules for these non-linear processes in structurally and functionally diverse ecosystems are unknown. Legacy effects, for example, altered response after previous stress and retarded recovery of forests after climate extremes, are not captured in state-of-the-art models. Currently, we are lacking the appropriate and interconnected measurement, data assimilation and modelling tools allowing for a comprehensive, real-time quantification of key processes at high spatio-temporal coverage in heterogeneous environments. Moreover, since climate impacts are highly unpredictable with respect to timing and location, future research will require novel mobile, easily deployable and cost-efficient approaches. ECOSENSE, therefore, assembles expertise from environmental and engineering sciences, both being excellently paired at the University of Freiburg.
Our interdisciplinary research project will investigate all relevant scales in a next-generation ecosystem research assessment (ECOSENSE). Our vision is to detect and forecast critical changes in ecosystem functioning, based on the understanding of hierarchical process interaction. In the first phase, ECOSENSE will explore these process interactions by investigating pools and fluxes of water and carbon, i.e. CO2 exchange, isotope discrimination and volatile organic compounds (VOC), as well as stress indicators by remotely and in situ sensed chlorophyll fluorescence.
To address these research tasks, ECOSENSE will develop, implement and test a distributed, autonomous, intelligent sensor network, based on novel microsensors tailored to the specific needs in remote and harsh forest environments. They will measure the spatio-temporal dynamics of ecosystem pools and fluxes in a naturally complex structured forest system with minimal physiological impact. Measured data will be transferred in real-time into a sophisticated database, which will be explored for process analysis, conducted by Artificial Intelligence and close to real-time process-based ecosystem models for now- and forecasting applications. Thereby, ECOSENSE will: i) break new ground for integrative ecosystem research by identifying hierarchies and interactions of abiotic and physiological processes of forest carbon and water exchange, ii) provide a profound understanding of complex ecosystem responses to environmental stressors and iii) enable the prediction of process-based alterations in ecosystem functioning and sustainability.
Our novel ECOSENSE toolkit, tested and validated in controlled climate extreme experiments and our ECOSENSE Forest, will open new horizons for rapid assessment in vast and remote ecosystems. Thereby, ECOSENSE will allow for a unique avenue of data acquisition and, consequently, for unprecedented scale-crossing ecosystem understanding and modelling.
ecosystem processes, ecosystem fluxes, ecosystem models, climate change, microsensors, energy-autonomous, intelligent sensor network
The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) ECOSENSE will quantify, understand and predict forest ecosystem processes in the context of climate change across scales, spatially from root/leaf to forest stands and temporally from seconds to years, capturing fluxes from the hydrosphere, pedosphere, biosphere and atmosphere (Fig.
Key challenges of forest ecosystems are their heterogeneity and unknown non-linear upscaling laws of processes from the leaf to a whole forest ecosystem. ECOSENSE aims to derive these upscaling laws, which requires sensing, analysis and modelling of the heterogeneity with a unique spatio-temporal resolution.
We will enable this holistic approach by new dedicated robust sensing mechanisms and their implementation into a novel and smart sensor network. Our multi-scale models will integrate data across scales, derive and establish new scaling laws, optimise sensing and predict impacts of climate extremes.
ECOSENSE brings together experts from environmental sciences and microsystems engineering. Both research fields are especially strong at the University of Freiburg and unique in this combination. Joining their forces fits excellently into the vision of the University, the green city of Freiburg and the region of the Black Forest. The Faculty for Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources – UNR – embraces a 100-year-tradition of forest science and stands for a broad view of ecosystem research across all scales. The Faculty of Engineering was founded in 1995 and is growing rapidly. With the Department of Microsystems Engineering – IMTEK – the Faculty of Engineering comprises the largest microsystems research facility in Germany.
Our research proposal targets forest ecosystems, as they provide important climate regulatory functions, sequestering roughly 20-25% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions each year (
Multiple interactions of biotic and abiotic drivers and complex feedback loops foster spatio-temporal dynamics and heterogeneity in forests from leaf to ecosystem. While it is known that climatic extreme events, such as heat waves, droughts, frosts or beetle attacks, induce stress effects, the observed strong local variability, for example, single tree die-back (
Consequently, ecosystem research faces great challenges to capture relevant processes and their interactions. ECOSENSE will tackle these challenges. We will target the spatio-temporal dynamics of carbon and water pools and fluxes and relate them to the heterogeneous structure of a forest, from the soil to the canopy and the atmosphere. We will use, on the one hand, chlorophyll fluorescence as a sensitive stress indicator (
A thorough quantification is labour-intensive and requires extensive equipment, logistics and computing capacity, which currently presents a major constraint to understand highly dynamic ecosystem processes. This urgent need can be met by novel smart sensor systems tailored to the requirements of remote forest areas (
However, especially in the harsh and remote environment of a forest, the sensors must be robust and functional over long time spans at least for a vegetation period and preferably for many years. Many opportunities for applying environmental sensing exist and equipment is partly commercially available; however, these devices are typically bulky, heavy, maintenance-intensive, invasive and expensive. Consequently, due to limited resources, the number of sensors deployed in forest ecosystems is low, resulting in sparse spatio-temporal data coverage. This, in turn, leads to huge data gaps for detailed understanding and modelling of complex, multi-scale ecosystem processes. Furthermore, existing solutions lack mobility and are not easily transferable amongst sites or ecosystems. Finally, we still lack miniaturised energy-autonomous sensors suitable for the also energetically harsh conditions present in a forest and equipped with “smartness” to cope with it.
Future sensors for forest ecosystem research must be affordable and easily deployable in large numbers and provide the capability of being widely distributed. They need to be small, minimally invasive, intelligent, energy-autonomous and wirelessly connected in a smart sensor network. Furthermore, they must be robust in terms of temperature, humidity, dirt or biofouling and, finally, if small sensors are lost, they need to be located to retrieve them from the environment. A multitude of such distributed sensors will provide a plethora of data for which deep-learning-based methods enable the deconvolution of the underlying processes driving spatio-temporal heterogeneity. This will then allow the implementation of these processes into existing ecosystem models, which currently address structural and functional heterogeneity based on widely simplified assumptions. The new information about such spatial heterogeneity will, on the one hand, enable the refinement of the model structure and, on the other hand, the optimisation of sensor distribution and activity.
To overcome our: (i) restricted view on processes driving ecosystem functioning, (ii) limitation in suitable sensors and smart network technology and (iii) limitation in models representing spatio-temporal dynamics, ECOSENSE proposes a fully interdisciplinary approach, bridging science and technology across all relevant scales in a next-generation ecosystem research assessment. We will integrate measurements of the hydrosphere, pedosphere, biosphere and atmosphere within one smart, distributed, autonomous and intelligent ecosystem assessment system. The vast amount of data will be integrated in real-time into deep-learning and process-based modelling approaches that will be jointly used for now- and forecasting of carbon and water fluxes at leaf to ecosystem scale.
We hypothesise that only a novel concept of ecosystem analysis, seamlessly combining continuous observations and simulations of each relevant component across scales, will enable the identification of hierarchies and scale coherence of the driving abiotic and physiological processes and environmental triggers. Such a novel concept of integrated sensors, remote sensing, real-time data assimilation and model-based ecosystem analysis will enable us to identify thresholds of ecosystem functioning in response to global climate change and predict future developments.
Forests provide important ecosystem services due to their high ecological and socio-economic value, but climate extremes have enhanced tree mortality worldwide (
It has been recognised that structural heterogeneity in forests can be an important factor for ecosystem stability and resilience against disturbances, such as storms (
Essential processes in forests driving evapotranspiration and the carbon sink/source capacity are soil-plant-atmosphere CO2 and H2O exchange, which are thereby relevant to buffering or accelerating climate change (
Obviously, to date, little is known of how these interactions quantitatively scale to ecosystem fluxes and even less about their potential changes under environmental or climate change. Hence, in spite of the increasing awareness of the relevance of small-scale processes, feedbacks and their interactions, we are currently unable to sufficiently quantify and evaluate their contribution to total ecosystem fluxes. This shortcoming is largely due to a lack of suitably-sized sensors, explicitly tailored to the measurement tasks in forests, which should be connected to a widely distributed sensor network capturing state variables and fluxes rapidly, locally and non-invasively. Moreover, we even lack knowledge on efficient sampling strategies: how often do we have to measure? How many sensors are needed at which spatial distribution? The answers will not only depend on the processes, but also on their spatio-temporal dynamics.
This is particularly relevant as hot spots and hot moments develop dynamically in space in time. A drought event or heat waves can be such a hot moment, with a disproportionate effect on net water and carbon balance (
Therefore, large networks of distributed micro-sensors are mandatory to capture these spatio-temporal stress indicators and flux dynamics from the micro- (mm/s) to macro- (km/years) scales. They need to be combined with intelligent data acquisition and evaluation to feed, in a timely manner, deep-learning tools and process models for immediate assessment, as well as scenario analysis.
Sensor networks should be flexible in up- or down regulating measurement frequencies and require efficient handling of large data packets. Mature forest sites present a particular challenge, as canopy access is limited, energy supply and communication of sensors is out of reach of centralised grid solutions and seasons cause tremendous physical stress on in-situ technical systems. This is why tall forest stands are often restricted to point measurements at canopy towers (
Despite the manifold of existing IoT (Internet of Things) sensors and sensor networks, significant knowledge gaps remain for the application of wireless sensor networks in forests representing a specific kind of harsh environment. A recent review from Ullo and Sinha (
A robust wireless network has been already installed for animal tracking in the rain forests of Borneo (
Finally, a data- and energy-efficient operation of the network can only be achieved by a continuous interplay and feedback between technical advances and scientific process descriptions and modelling of ecosystem functions.
So far, ecosystem sensing and modelling are not well connected since data availability has time lags of months to years, particularly for classical monitoring programmes, such as Fluxnet and TERENO. Thus, ECOSENSE is breaking new ground in: i) sensing, ii) real-time data assimilation and modelling and iii) combining both for now- and forecasting.
The central aim of ECOSENSE is to enable a novel dimension of ecosystem process sensing, understanding and modelling. We consider this fundamental to predict sustainable forest functioning, this being the most important ecosystem service that buffers climate change with high socio-economic value in Germany and elsewhere.
We argue that a holistic understanding of ecosystem functioning can only be achieved with in-depth understanding of spatial and temporal dynamics of relevant ecosystem processes across scales.
Heterogeneity and functional diversity of complex forest systems and their interactions and feedbacks are key factors able to buffer or accelerate stress impacts after extreme events.
We identify four topics, which are currently not appropriately addressed, but are of utmost importance to quantify and predict complex ecosystem processes:
● scaling of key processes considering their spatio-temporal heterogeneity and dynamics, hot spots and hot moments and their contributions to ecosystem fluxes;
● developing sensing technology and efficient sensor network communication for providing sufficient spatio-temporal resolution of relevant processes;
● designing size and gridding of sensor networks to capture important dynamics of ecosystem processes from leaf to ecosystem scale;
● big data processing, analysis and assimilation and multi-scale ecosystem modelling considering non-linear scaling laws for improved ecosystem analysis and prediction.
Accordingly, ECOSENSE will address four main research aims as illustrated in Fig.
Finally, the overarching long-term outcome of ECOSENSE will be a scientific framework of hardware, methods and workflows to transfer ecosystem sensing and modelling into other (forested) ecosystems. This Forest ECOSENSE Toolkit (Fig.
Structure of the ECOSENSE Toolkit. Left graph section of a forest ecosystem with selected stands (black circles) and an eddy covariance tower. The right graph shows an enlarged stand in the forest ecosystem with different tree communities – for example, pure versus mixed forest stands. Triangles stand for envisaged micro-sensors: measuring soil moisture, CO2 content and soil temperature. Within the canopy at the leaves, gas exchange, VOC and chlorophyll fluorescence (green and red triangles), at the branches water and carbon fluxes combined with the stem water and phloem sap flow (blue triangles) will be measured. In addition and to complete the picture, eddy covariance technology provides net ecosystem carbon (including VOC) and water fluxes while remote assessment of fluorescence signals by UAV acquires information on canopy vitality. Measured data will be transferred in real-time into a sophisticated database via a central hub. It will be explored for process analysis, utilising deep-learning approaches for implementation of a comprehensive model for now and forecasting applications.
● a transferable, verified multi-scale ecosystem model extended for spatio-temporal dynamics and scaling;
● an in-depth scientific understanding of the ecosystems studied in ECOSENSE;
● a modular and energy-autonomous sensing system, which will allow rapid deployment in remote areas to evaluate ecosystem processes affected by climate extremes.
These aims will be approached step-wise over 12 years throughout the three funding phases of the CRC.
To achieve our aims, expert scientists of this interdisciplinary CRC will implement a comprehensive research programme, which approaches the challenges in close, mutual cooperation and from two central aspects: from a technical and from an ecological point of view.
To this end, we will explore, develop and implement an intelligent distributed micro-sensor network autonomously measuring fluxes from soil to vegetation and atmosphere. Consequently, we will address the miniaturisation of established sensing principles for enhanced spatio-temporal resolution and drive the research and implementation of new sensing principles in ecosystem monitoring.
We will assess relevant ecosystem processes covering scales from root/leaf to forest stands and, temporally, from seconds to years, capturing fluxes from the hydrosphere, pedosphere, biosphere and atmosphere. In the first phase, ECOSENSE will focus on water and carbon fluxes, namely H2O, CO2 and VOCs and their carbon isotopes, as the most prominent drivers and chlorophyll fluorescence as a well-established stress marker. These data will be evaluated in the light of detailed information of forest structure and microclimate, tree and soil nutrition and soil physical properties, which will be assessed by a thorough characterisation of the ECOSENSE Forest.
We will start with a limited number of commercially available sensors, to initiate ECOSENSE’s systems research right from the start. They will be substituted step-by-step with the new distributed sensors and sensor systems once they are ready for field deployment. Sensing and measuring principal and key tree responses to extreme environments will be first tested in the newly-founded “Ecosphere Experimental Platform (EcoExPo)” of the UNR on the campus of the Faculty of Engineering. Subsequently, they will be transferred to our joint field site, the ECOSENSE Forest, in the state forest of Ettenheim near Freiburg. The ECOSENSE Forest represents a well-grown mixed needle and broadleaf forest at the foothills of the Black Forest. Given the complexity and challenges, both in developing the intelligent sensor network and the deconvolution of ecological processes across all relevant scales, we will start this CRC, as stated, focusing on carbon and water fluxes, while taking forest structure, soil characteristics and nutrient contents into account. Moreover, our vision is that the system can be expanded to include further factors/elements such as nutrients fluxes, other trace gases and biotic interactions in the future.
These research activities are jointly implemented into the ECOSENSE research network comprising three Research Areas as shown in Fig.
Structure of the ECOSENSE research network comprising three Areas: Area A focuses on the measurement of ecosystem processes, namely CO2, VOC and H2O fluxes; Area B focuses on chlorophyll fluorescence as the stress marker; Area C builds the common foundation including sensor network communication, resistance, data assimilation and deep-learning and process modelling.
Area A: the assessment of H2O, CO2 and VOC fluxes and their isotopes from soil, trees, to atmosphere;
Area B: the assessment of stress indicators through chlorophyll fluorescence from individual leaves to forest stands;
Area C: sensor network implementation, materials for environmental robustness, efficient data management, deep-learning and modelling.
The outstanding characteristic of ECOSENSE is the consequent entanglement of both disciplines in almost every project. Therefore, the CRC has a unique structure: The three Research Areas are divided into ten projects (Fig. 4), of which the projects in Area A and Area B each comprise subprojects from the technological and from the ecological side, while Area C addresses overarching research tasks. This results in a total amount of 18 scientific subprojects and includes 23 doctoral and postdoctoral funded researchers, as outlined below. The structure reflects the close cooperation, which ensures a highly dynamic knowledge exchange, joint development of novel approaches and strongly fosters cross-disciplinary team building. It will be further enforced by the joint experimental platforms (EcoExPo and ECOSENSE Forest, Z1), a common ECOSENSE research training group (RTG) and cross-disciplinary workshops and communication (Z2).
In the following, we will provide an overview of the Areas and projects in a nutshell. Fig.
The ECOSENSE project network that interacts from pedosphere through biosphere into the atmosphere accompanied by cross-spanning C projects. Each project of Areas A and B consists of a subproject of environmental science (green) and technical engineering (blue). Area C is cross-spanning projects (grey).
Research Area A - H2O, CO2 and VOC fluxes along the different ecosystem compartments and scales
Underlying plant and soil processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, ecohydrological H2O fluxes, as well as soil-plant and plant-atmosphere interactions, will be emphasised (Fig. 5). Process-based understanding of pools and H2O, CO2 and VOC fluxes will allow CO2-flux to be partitioned into: (i) ecosystem respiration (Re) and photosynthesis (gross primary production, GPP), (ii) the contribution of different functional units within a plant (leaves, stem, roots) and soils (heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration); and (iii) above-ground and below-ground processes and evaluate hot spots and hot moments within the mixed forest. Furthermore, Research Area A aims at the partitioning of VOC fluxes within the canopy, between species and its significance for the ecosystem VOC flux.
A1 will assess the spatio-temporal heterogeneity in soil fluxes and microclimatic/edaphic conditions to evaluate the importance of rhizosphere and microbial sources and identify hot spots and hot moments in microbial and tree root functioning and their interactions (A1.1). To this end, we will develop novel soil probes measuring CO2 and temperature, which can be installed with high spatial coverage in a measuring grid. They will be energy-autonomous through thermo-electric and solar energy harvesting and, thus, perfectly fulfil a “deploy-and forget” strategy (A1.2).
A2 addresses ecohydrological fluxes and processes in heterogeneous forest patches investigating dynamics and spatial patterns in root water uptake, tree sap flow and phloem carbon isotopes, its feedbacks on spatio-temporal soil moisture variability and heterogeneity and how this, in turn, affects tree water use efficiency and phloem sugar transport. We aim to trace water and carbon fluxes in trees and sharpen our picture of biotic controls (A2.1). Here, we will develop a fully novel methodology through compact Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)/Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) sensors, based on permanent magnets attached to small-sized branches. They will allow for in situ imaging of the H2O fluxes without interfering with the branch and NMR analysis of xylem and phloem sap flows (A2.2). Continuous in situ phloem sap NMR measurements will allow a new dimension of quantifying integrated carbon transport in trees.
The goal of A3 is to capture spatial and temporal dynamics in photosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination, stomatal conductance and leaf H2O and VOC fluxes within and amongst tree crowns in a mixed forest ecosystem. Environmental impact on photosynthetic CO2 fixation can be decoded by 13C-isotope discrimination, determining hot spots and hot moments of photosynthetic C fixation, C respiration and VOC emissions (A3.1). Micro gas cuvettes will be developed and deployed in large numbers to monitor the 3D-variability within the canopy. Equipped with an integrated open-close mechanism, they will be connected to multiple small, low-cost carbon isotope laser spectrometers, which will also measure leaf H2O fluxes. As the laser spectrometers cannot be miniaturised to a similar extent as the leaf cuvettes, they will be placed at a central position and connected by tubing (A3.2).
Finally, to bridge the gap between the relatively small scale of an individual tree and a forest stand, A4 will assess ecosystem-atmosphere exchange by eddy covariance measurements of H2O, CO2 and its isoflux (δ13CO2), to separate fluxes into components (ecosystem respiration and photosynthesis (gross primary production, GPP) at an integrated scale. Further VOC uptake and release by our forests will be measured, linking to important ecosystem functions, which are strongly sensitive to environmental changes (A4.1). Here, we will develop, for the first time, an optical spectroscopic sensing technology, to measure VOCs using tunable laser absorption spectroscopy (TLAS) along a concentration gradient at the tower (A4.1b) and connected to single-leaf cuvettes, as developed in A3.2.
Research Area B - Active chlorophyll fluorescence measurements as a sensitive stress parameter addressing the relevance of microclimatic heterogeneity
In Research Area B, we aim for a full picture of chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF), as a sensitive parameter to trace effects on environmental changes and biotic and abiotic stresses on the photosynthetic efficiency, ranging from leaf-based networks up to canopy and forest stand. This Research Area will identify hot spots and hot moments of the heterogeneous 3D structure of the forest canopy and enable us to relate the underlying process to small-scale microclimatic changes, for example, incident light, temperature and humidity at the leaf surface, as well as to macro–scale stress events.
B1 will capture heterogeneity in leaf-level ChlF and associated microclimate in a novel dimension of a spatial network within and amongst tree canopies, to efficiently identify hot spots and hot moments of stress-induced changes of photosynthetic efficiency (B1.1). To this end, we will develop novel wireless, energy-autonomous ChlF sensors, using flexible, multifunctional (microclimate) and highly integrated microsensor probes (B1.2). A new kind of leaf sensor (< 1 cm²) to be deployed, covering multiple positions within the canopies, will strongly profit from the advantages of microsystem technology: they will have the highest degree of miniaturisation, to ensure the least interference with leaves and they will need to be mass produced. These sensors will act as independent sensor nodes, due to solar energy harvesting enabling them to communicate their data wirelessly and can be installed at the beginning of the season on the leaves in a deploy-and-forget strategy.
To bridge the gap from single leaves and trees to even larger forest stands, B2 will use remote assessments of active ChlF via an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to generate detailed repeated spatial maps to visualise and assess tree vitality, identify hot spots within the forests and transfer the sample based findings into area wide monitoring (B2.1). In doing so, we will further develop the models for chlorophyll fluorescence assessment, based on UAV-carried remote sensing devices, calibrated against the tree leaf measurements. We will develop a strongly miniaturised, highly integrated lightweight UAV-based active ChlF sensing instrument using LiDAR techniques with an efficient new scanning paradigm. It will allow for largely extended flight campaigns with high spatial resolution (B2.2). Thereby, the calibration of the UAV-borne data will directly profit from the leaf sensor network of B1.
Research Area C - Intelligent sensor network, robustness, data management, ecosystem model and deep-learning
This Research Area builds up the full chain from data acquisition, through an intelligent, energy-autonomous and robust sensor network, over comprehensive and quality-assured database to process-based and deep-learning model assessment and forecasting. The key challenges addressed are: (i) to develop sensors operating and communicating reliably under field conditions, with fluctuating input of ambient energy and exposure to weathering and biofouling; (ii) a real-time collation of sensor data into a central database in order to make it accessible to our new process-based and deep-learning models.
C1 will perform research on specific needs for all distributed sensors (from Areas A and B) creating a number of innovations for embedded autonomous sensor systems. All sensors will be equipped with ultra-low power electronics and communication capabilities (C1.1) to go beyond their pure sensing function and to enable them to be used as active and intelligent sensor nodes in our ECOSENSE network. Self-test features and energy awareness will be incorporated to improve a sensor node’s performance over time. Wireless communication between individual sensor nodes and central sensor hubs will be provided in multiple ways (C1.2), by using newly-established communication networks (e.g. narrow-band Internet-of-Things or NB-IoT), as well as for specially tailored low-power local radio (e.g. LoRa). The energy supply of such widely distributed sensor nodes has to happen either via energy harvesting from thermal, solar or mechanical ambient energy or via passive remote sensing approaches similar to today’s RFID technology. Our long-term goal is to achieve a maintenance free, reliably working network.
C2 will investigate how sensor nodes, being in direct contact to the environment as soil probes and leaf sensors, can be designed to be long-lasting and stable by preventing fouling processes, such as the accumulation of dirt or bacterial growth. This requires tailored surface structures and anti-fouling coatings, whose specification strongly depends on sensor location. In soil, they are exposed to long wet phases, while in air, they are exposed to large temperature and humidity variations or simply to the accumulation of dirt. Furthermore, trade-offs have to be found between, for example, being insect and bacteria repellent, while at the same time, not out-gassing unwanted VOCs.
C3-INF will generate, manage, adapt and extend a joint database for all project data, securing homogenised formats, storage, selection and accessibility by all groups. As ECOSENSE relies on data interoperability within and between its projects, as well as with the scientific research community, the challenge lies in managing easy data access using existing data formats where appropriate and creating new research data formats where necessary. To achieve this, C3-INF will overcome the burdens of data management policies by providing a central platform based on AQUARIUS (Aquatic Informatics, Vancouver) and additional tools for joint data storage, management and backup of all ECOSENSE projects. C3-INF will further provide services for data interoperability and exchange, for shared data analysis tasks (e.g. data quality control) and for managing project workflows.
C4 will develop process-based model simulations and deep-learning tools for data analysis to interact with and optimise the sensor-based monitoring, as well as to deepen our understanding of impacts of spatio-temporal heterogeneity and dynamics for total ecosystem water and carbon exchange. An existing 2D process-based model will be extended, calibrated and run in a now- and forecasting 3D mode, covering spatio-temporal heterogeneity of small-scale processes and integrating new scaling laws for non-linear interactions (C4.1). Using deep-learning algorithms, the plethora of data will be efficiently evaluated to distinguish between important and redundant data. The aim is to, on the one hand, provide sufficient spatio-temporal resolution, thus allowing for a reliable ecosystem modelling and, on the other hand, save sensor node energy and reduce redundant data accumulation (C4.2). Thereby, deep-learning and process simulations interact with the sensor network in two directions; i.e. i) data assimilation from the sensor network into the model systems and ii) adjustment and optimisation of the measuring design based on simulated outputs and predictions.
Z-projects and RTG – Common infrastructure, administration and Research Training Group (RTG)
The research of ECOSENSE is also accompanied by two Z-projects. They include our infrastructure, i.e. joint research platforms (Z1) and an administrative coordination project (Z2). Furthermore, we consider it important to offer a dedicated Research Training Group (RTG) for the doctoral researchers of our highly interdisciplinary CRC programme.
In our joint research platforms, Z1 we will take the ECOSENSE sensor network from the laboratory into a test-bed for experimental climate simulations in our new campus research facility and to the real world, our ECOSENSE Forest, a well grown mixed forest near Freiburg.
EcoExPo (Ecosphere Experimental Platform)
To test the newly-developed sensors and equipment, as well as novel ecological hypotheses, we will conduct pilot studies at the newly-founded Ecosphere Experimental Platform (EcoExPo, Eva Mayr-Stihl Umwelttechnikum) of the UNR, located directly on the Technical University Campus of the University of Freiburg. It comprises a greenhouse, outdoor experimental fields with large-scale weighing lysimeter fields, rainout shelter with different vegetation and soils, as well as an indoor experimental facility with four Ecotron units for controlled climate change experiments and simulation of environmental stresses.
The outdoor experimental platform with several large-scale weighing lysimeters and different rainout shelters will allow us to test sensors and hypotheses in different soil types and with rain exclusion or flooding experiments under natural fluctuations of environmental conditions. In order to support ECOSENSE directly and more realistically, we will extract large-scale soil monoliths for the lysimeters (2 m diameter and 1.5 m depth) directly in the ECOSENSE Forest from the three sites including young beech and Douglas fir trees (up to 8 m). These monoliths including the trees in the centre allow direct observations in the soil and trees. We will have the possibility to cover each lysimeter with a mobile Ecotron (Fig.
A well-suited forested area (Fig.
ECOSENSE Forest Field Site: The area is located in the state forest of Ettenheim, approximately 40 minutes north of Freiburg and easily accessible by forest tracks already in place. It is nested in the hilly transition between the upper Rhine Valley and the Black Forest, providing a mixed forest system, dominated by beech and spruce of different aged mixed and pure patches.
The field site is located on Triassic sedimentary rock. The plateau area, which comprises the selected stands, has relative homogeneous geological and pedological conditions of “Plattensandstein-Formation”, a sandstone with layers of clay and some smaller outcrops of the “Rotton Formation”. The soils are Cambisols with a silty loam to loamy clay texture, carbonate free and well developed to a depth between 60 to 120 cm. The field capacity is between 230 and 350 mm with average permeability and low stone content. The plateau is drained by four creeks in steep valleys in different directions. The elevation ranges between 450 to 520 m a.s.l. A recently funded DFG project (Christiane Werner, Natalie Orlowski, Markus Weiler) already established the first sensor network near the selected field site examining ecohydrological processes and tree interaction in the mixed spruce-beech forest.
Finally, Z2 ensures internal and external communication, fosters the collaboration within and between the projects, monitors and controls the timeline of the work in progress and the quality of the scientific content, supports publication processes and controls for good scientific practice.
ECOSENSE is strongly interdisciplinary and we want to encourage our young scientist members, namely doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, to cross the borders of their field and to develop a broader perspective. We are planning for an integrated research training group (RTG) which, on the one hand, uses existing doctoral researcher programmes of the University, but, on the other hand, is complemented by ECOSENSE specific measures. Thereby, we will train them in all important aspects and skills of the various disciplines and Research Areas involved in ECOSENSE and support them towards scientific independence already at an early career state, to develop their own scientific network and visibility in the international research community and to provide them with excellent career perspectives.
To wrap up the research programme, we summarise in Table
Phase 1: Years 1 to 4 Sensing principles, network foundations, relevant ecosystem functioning parameters |
● Establishment of a joint research platforms including three eddy covariance towers at the ECOSENSE Forest; ● Characterisation of the ecosystem structure and assessment of basic parameters; ● Measurement of fluxes and pools of H2O, 13CO2, VOC and their isotopes as well as of stress parameters with existing sensor types at selected sites from soil, tree, canopy and atmosphere; ● Evaluating new sensor principles and measurement approaches, miniaturisation of sensors; ● Evaluating sensor nodes with low-power electronics, communication and energy awareness; ● Implementation of deep-learning algorithms as well as setup, initialisation and first evaluations of the ecosystem model ● Successive transfer of new sensors from the lab into research platforms and extension of spatial coverage; ● First results on the importance of key processes and heterogeneity, at different compartments and scales (soil, trees, atmosphere) for ecosystem stress resilience and functioning. |
Phase 2: Years 5 to 8 Sensor network upscaling, closed-loop data acquisition, towards understanding heterogeneity |
● Enhancing resolution, selectivity, sensitivity and data rate; ● Sensor optimisation in terms of materials, robustness and function; ● UAV-based sensor system for active chlorophyll fluorescence measurements; ● Towards large numbers: parallelisation of sensor nodes, processes for large numbers; ● Towards a “deploy and forget strategy”: enhancing autonomy, sustainable materials; ● Large data network with enhanced spatial coverage of the forest; ● Evaluation of spatio-temporal variability, feedback and interaction within the forest and its role for sustainable ecosystem functioning; ● Application of deep-learning and feed-back for targetted selection of relevant data, evaluation of non-linear scaling laws. |
Phase 3: Years 9 to 12 Fully autonomous network, “deploy-and-forget” sensor nodes, full ecosystem model validation |
● Fully biocompatible and sustainable sensor nodes enabling “deploy-and-forget”; ● Full UAV-based sensor system for active spatial chlorophyll fluorescence measurements coupled with hyperspectral image data; ● Energy-autonomous, independent, self-learning, self-calibrating, self-organised network; ● Identification of required spatial and temporal scales to capture relevant processes, interactions and feed-backs driving ecosystem functioning; ● Understanding ecosystem functions across all scales, verified non-linear scaling-laws, identification of key processes, enhancing or buffering stress impacts, resilience and sustainability of forests. |
Starting from the second phase, we will evaluate the possibility to derive side projects for a transfer of the developed concepts and solutions into commercially available sensor products, either via the foundation of start-up companies or in cooperation with industrial partners (e.g. within the transfer opportunities of the DFG). We aim to provide the scientific community and governmental institutions with robust, long-lasting and low-cost sensors to be deployed and operated with minimal effort (“deploy and forget”) and to be designed and fabricated in an environmentally compatible manner.
The ECOSENSE project composition resulting from the research programme described above is summarised and illustrated in Fig.
Most of our PIs are members of the Faculty of Engineering or Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources (University of Freiburg) located within close vicinity (< 5 km). Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) provides complementary expertise, with established long-term collaborations and associations to the University of Freiburg. ECOSENSE will further profit from the involvement of some colleagues of the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques in Freiburg, also located on the campus of the Faculty of Engineering.
Research Area A – sensing and understanding ecosystem C and H2O fluxes
Forests represent one of the most important components of the global C cycle as they are a major sink of atmospheric CO2 (
However further research is needed to implement isotope fluxes on eddy-covariance sites and, in particular, integrate information of spatial and temporal heterogeneity in mixed forest ecosystems. We are only at the beginning to explore the role of interactions between structural and functional diversity and microclimate for forest (
Forest ecosystems do further play an important role in the global climate system by releasing biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) into the atmosphere (
Hence, detailed information on spatial and temporal variation in VOC emissions is one important knowledge gap for future forecasts regarding ecosystem stress response and in respect of atmospheric chemistry and global change. Continuous measurement of ecosystem VOC fluxes, which would allow for identifying hot moments, are still scarce, even in temperate forests. Even less is known on how different ecosystem components contribute to total ecosystem VOC balance. Identifying hot spots of VOCs and their relevance for total ecosystem fluxes in a spatially heterogeneous forest has, to our knowledge, never been attempted (A4).
Moreover, a deeper process-understanding of VOC emissions, even for well-studied isoprene, is needed (
Emission rates obtained from cuvette measurements are, to some degree, artificial because atmospheric conditions inside the cuvettes often differ in light, leaf temperature and gas concentrations from the natural environment (Fig.
As pointed out above, hot spots and hot moments can have an important positive or negative impact on net carbon and water fluxes (
However, little is known on these potential self-reinforcing processes - How these processes facilitate tree transpiration or soil moisture heterogeneity has ever hardly been quantified and only a few modelling studies exist (e.g.
The plasticity of each tree species to adapt their water uptake strategies (
Given these analytical restrictions, total carbohydrate fluxes from source to sinks at the tree level are not well understood. Currently, there is no analytical system to continuously and non-destructively measure dynamic changes in phloem sugar flux under natural conditions.
In a laboratory setting, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) undoubtedly is the most specific non-invasive chemical sensor system available, with tremendous versatility in measurement modalities. Apart from spectroscopy, NMR can reveal fluid dynamic properties and fluxes, multicomponent diffusion down to the nanoscale and can reveal all transport variables with chemical specificity. The xylem and phloem which are the main transport pathways in a plant are very sensitive to conventional invasive physiological experiments (
Left: ”A portable NMR sensor to measure dynamic changes in the amount of water in living stems or fruit and its potential to measure sap flow” (
An open question is whether the laboratory NMR setting can be extended to the forest environment and what the limit of detection would be. To answer this question, novel advances in the hardware and methodology of NMR need to be implemented, such as high-sensitivity low-field NMR detectors (
Roughly 30% of the carbon fixed in photosynthesis is transported through the phloem belowground. Partially, the assimilated carbon is exuded by tree roots and their mycorrhiza associations feeding microbes in the rhizosphere and promoting microbial activity (
High-resolution techniques to assess the response of microorganisms and plant roots to changing environmental conditions and elucidate how this response is related to plant induced processes, such as photosynthesis or transpiration are mostly applied in the laboratory. For ecosystem studies, methodological problems, such as disturbance of soil, costly equipment, energy demand, bulky sampling chambers as well as the immense infrastructure inclusive Teflon tubes (Fig.
For the exploration of CO2 sources and production, high spatial resolution of CO2 measurements is required rather than limited point measurement of emissions at the soil surface integrating over hours to days and meters (
The state of the art in energy-autonomous ground soil probes is limited, with only some research progress for applications in agriculture systems (
The research described above demonstrates the principal feasibility of this technique. However, concepts are not optimised for soil monitoring with minimal ground intrusion, modular system design and easy deployment and servicing from above-ground. The sensor systems integrated into a soil probe should be smart in their advanced signal processing capabilities, should allow for wireless communication and be fully energy-autonomous. Operation must be possible in remote areas and with zero maintenance access, within ECOSENSE under the severe and highly variable environmental conditions found in a forest environment (A1).
Research Area B: Sensing and understanding of stress - state-of-the-art and research challenges
Sun- and pulse-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) measurements are elegant methods to assess how changes in environmental conditions, biotic and abiotic stresses affect the photosynthetic activity of the forest, which is a key indicator for ecosystem functioning. ChlF captures the efficiency of light energy conversion in photosynthetic reactions of leaves, which is a highly sensitive indicator of the functional status of vegetation prior to visible signs of stress, such as loss of chlorophyll content or leaf area. However, while ChlF provides a sensitive tracer due to its rapid response to macro- and microclimatic conditions, it is associated with high heterogeneity due to variations in environmental conditions in structurally diverse, tall grown forests.
Leaf-level ChlF measurements provide a direct monitor of the physiological state of the vegetation and have widely been used as a very sensitive probe of photosynthetic reactions under stress (
To guarantee a high spatio-temporal resolution of ChlF measurements, sensors are to be deployed in high numbers to capture the in heterogeneous light environment in tree canopies up to the top. They need to be highlyminiaturised to avoid negative influence on the microenvironment of the leaf and be energy-autonomous and equipped with means of wireless communication. Only then, they provide maintenance-free sensors, which fulfil our requirements of a deploy-and-forget-strategy. As they are fabricated by microtechnology in mostly parallel processes, they are low-cost and affordable in high numbers (B1).
Remote sensing of ChlF, i.e. from drones, allows an even larger spatial coverage, though at the expense of high temporal resolution. So far, mostly passive solar-induced fluorescence measurements are captured, where ChlF is derived from radiance emitted by vegetation using the absorption bands in surface solar irradiance. With remote sensors, it is usually retrieved with instruments of sub-nm spectral resolution in the narrow window of the O2 absorption bands or Fraunhofer lines, for example, with Fraunhofer Line Discrimination and spectral fitting methods (
In contrast to passive SIF measurements, laser-induced fluorescence measurements permit a simultaneous light detection and ranging, which enables an analysis of registered ChlF signals with respect to their position in space. Thus, ChlF signals can be analysed within a spatial framing while facilitating a better connection of airborne ChlF imagery with local in-situ data. Furthermore, an integration of ChlF signals through different layers becomes possible which is of interest for a ChlF mapping and ecosystem assessment at various scales. Opposite to sun-induced ChlF, active ChlF measurements allow for campaigns over the season with less dependence on weather/cloud conditions and are possible even in darkness (Fig.
- Very strong restrictions apply for UAVs with respect to payload weight and dimension. Due to the low ChlF signal, reliable detection with the help of airborne systems requires very sensitive sensors, accurate calibration and signal correction for interfering effects such as re-absorption and scattering at the leaves or by atmospheric particles. Furthermore, light intensities strong enough to excite fluorescence, but at the same time, low enough to comply with eye safety requirements have to be achieved. Compact instrumentation and methods, which allow for a regular, extensive and spatially resolved above-crown laser-induced ChlF sensing are missing.
Research Area C: Intelligent sensor network, robustness, data management, ecosystem model and deep-learning
Intelligent sensor networks are equipped with steadily increasing intelligence (
Research is ongoing, for example, for equipment monitoring in industrial environments (
To further support the energy efficiency of the sensor nodes, ultra-low-power operation of integrated circuits for power management, sensor signal processing and RF communication have been investigated. Some convincing devices have been presented as proves-of-concept (
Besides, the energy-efficient implementation of software is not a primary target of developers today, while a multitude of efforts on energy-efficient computing from 40 years ago has been virtually “forgotten”. A practical implementation would require a more hardware-related programming of microcontrollers and an optimisation of today’s, frequently power-inefficient, code compilers. The revitalisation of this know-how, together with modern hardware platforms and hardware-related programming, reveals an astonishing potential for power saving without sacrificing computing performance (
Radio frequency communication standards for wireless sensors such as ZigBee are optimised for low power consumption in the range of several milliwatts when the radio is active. Within the last years, new communication technologies with particularly large communication distances have been established in the context of low-power wide-area networks (
Energy efficiency and autonomy are premier requirements for sensor nodes operating under field conditions. While individual and partial solutions for these questions are state-of-the-art, their combination is the challenge addressed in project C1. For radio-communication, the open question is how the existing concepts can be transferred to the harsh environment of a heterogeneous dense forest.
When sensors are installed in the field for long-term monitoring, they become exposed to demanding environmental conditions, such as water, soil, acid, UV radiation, strongly variable temperatures and cross-contamination with biological objects, for example, insects and microbes. Together with general pollution and dust deposition, this will usually lead to the formation of a biofilm, which will increasingly deteriorate the sensing capability (Fig.
Biofilm formation has been in the focus of intense research for many years; however, up to now, no general solution to the problem has been developed. Many approaches are based on biozides, which are added to a coating and are slowly released with time (
A concept developed recently is based on the prevention of the adhesion of macromolecular biomolecules and based on “entropic shielding” (
To prevent the adhesion of dust particles on the surfaces of the sensors, a low energy surface coating can be applied. This strongly reduces the surface energy and, thus, the adhesion of any particles. In fact, putting Teflon-like or other highly fluorinated coatings on surfaces is state-of-the-art (
An alternative pathway to keep surfaces clean from dust is the so-called “Lotus” effect (
Biofilm prevention, dust/dirt repellence, UV resistance, avoidance of delamination, long-term film stability - all of these tasks are still to be evaluated and further developed for the harsh forest environment, as the concepts developed so far may not be transferable at all. In addition, measures should not interfere with the environment in a way that sensor signals may be affected/altered.
Most coating methods have been developed for application to planar surfaces (spin coating, dip coating, doctor blading…) or are restricted to monomolecular layers (self-assembled monolayers). We need to extend this concept to robust layers functioning over vegetation periods in a forest. Furthermore, protecting irregular-shaped sensor surfaces, including highly porous surfaces are very challenging.
In environmental science, hardly any research community outside meteorology and hydrology has access to a larger set of spatially-distributed environmental sensors and, in particular, near real-time data availability for modelling approaches is generally lacking. Only very recently, researchers have started to think of multi-sensor data in ecology (
Deep-learning approaches to big data typically have the luxury of homogenous structure, i.e. constant (
Ecosystem models are challenged by the disparity between processes, fluxes and states measured in the field and the level of physical, biogeochemical and physiological detail represented in the model. This disparity seriously impedes the evaluation of physiology-oriented ecosystem models and also restricts the application of physiological process-knowledge (derived from laboratory and greenhouse studies) to the complex ecosystem level. On the other hand, several studies have demonstrated systematic errors when modelling terrestrial ecosystem sensitivity to climate variability, indicating that the application of empirical processes for cases which cannot really be backed up with empirical data, are very limited (
Regarding the process-oriented description of forest systems, efforts concentrated on growth descriptions for even-aged monocultures until very recently, often paired with a coarse representation of water and nutrient interactions. The reason for this restriction is that expanding to structured and mixed forests requires the representation of individual or plant type interaction, including an advanced description of soil-plant interactions. Such a representation includes a multitude of hierarchically organised processes that are much more difficult to evaluate in a complex forest system.
Development and application of advanced models that cover complex forest structure is essential since heterogeneous forest types are better suited to withstand multiple stressors under changing climate conditions and, hence, represent current and future forestry practice in Europe (e.g.
Still, it is challenging to represent the influence of fine-scale environmental changes on plant development, while, at the same time, merging individual developments into an ecosystem dynamic that, in turn, affects environmental influences.
Due to technical restrictions, until now observational data for example, from FLUXNET/ICOS/TERENO networks were only subsequently used for model parameter estimation and simulation of forest ecosystem dynamics in time delays of up to years (
Linking forest observational data in near real time to ecosystem model and deep learning-based data analysis will enable process advancements and improved now and forecasting of ecosystem states and fluxes which can be further used to re-inform and optimise the sensor data acquisition, which is an emerging and innovative research field, but ,to our knowledge, not yet implemented (C4).
Research data management is regarded as critically important to the ECOSENSE project itself, as well as the University of Freiburg. In ECOSENSE, we devote a project (C3-INF) to this topic and refer to the specific data management strategy details there. Here, we only briefly outline the underlying principles.
● Our data management follows the FAIR principles;
● Our data publication strategy is aligned with the DFG-funded NFDIs, specifically NFDI4Biodiversity (overlap-ping with GFBio). Harmonisation between our database (project C3-INF) and the NFDI4Biodiversity will be part of the work in the first funding phase;
● Data will be made openly and publicly available within 3 years of collection;
● For sensor construction, we encourage all PIs to follow Open-Source Hardware idea, i.e. releasing detailed construction descriptions for other researchers to copy under a non-commercial licence;
● At the university, research data management activities are being supported by a working group at the computing centre (
ECOSENSE will be jointly managed by two spokespersons having equal rights, with one expert representing the environmental sciences (Christiane Werner) and one the engineering sciences (Ulrike Wallrabe). Together with the spokespersons of our three research areas, the embedded Research Training Group RTG and two representatives from the group of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, they will form the Board of ECOSENSE which controls and monitors the timely progress and content flow of the project. Furthermore, the Board will be responsible to guide and enable a gender- and diversity-balanced working attitude.
All staff employed in the CRC will be ECOSENSE Members. They will elect all spokespersons of ECOSENSE and an equal opportunity officer. The ECOSENSE Members will furthermore suggest and accept new members in conjunction with the Board. Eventually, they will have the power to accept the finance plan for each year as suggested by the Board.
The doctoral and postdoctoral researchers will implement their own network, the Network of Young Researchers delegate two elected peers to the Board.
The Board will be supported by a coordinator (Nina Stobbe) responsible for finances and the scientific coordination of workshops, retreats and the international ECOSENSE conference to take place in Freiburg, Germany, in summer 2025. The Research Training Group, as well as our joint research infrastructure, will be coordinated by Julian Müller.
We are aware that an intense and open communication within the CRC, but also to the community, is essential for a high quality research output and a strong positive national and international visibility. An intense interdisciplinary cooperation and information flow is already embedded in the unique structure of ECOSENSE, as each project in Research Areas A and B will join partners from different disciplines and the overarching Research Area C will assimilate data from all projects into a common model. One key focal activity will be our joint experimental platform, most importantly our ECOSENSE Forest.
The synergy of the observations of data collected at ECOSENSE Forest will be assured not only by our coordinated data management, but also through various joint workshops, fostering extensive interdisciplinary collaboration. The Board of ECOSENSE will provide the mandatory infrastructure for knowledge exchange (internet platform, ECOSENSE homepage, common data platform) and foster the information flow within the CRC amongst participants.
This paper is published in memory of our colleague Prof. Cornelia Herschbach, who supported ECOSENSE intensively during its conceptualization phase, ✞ December 2022. This research programme is funded as a Collaborative Research Centre by the German Science Foundation (DFG, Grant SFB 1537/1 ECOSENSE).
C. Werner and U. Wallrabe contributed equally to this manuscript, share the first authorship and act as co-spokespersons of ECOSENSE.
N. Stobbe and J. Müller supported in the manuscript preparation.
All other co-authors have contributed with their project descriptions.