Research Ideas and Outcomes : Data Management Plan (NSF Generic)
Corresponding author: Hong Xu (
Received: 04 Nov 2016 | Published: 09 Nov 2016
© 2018 Hong Xu, Mayu Ishida, Minglu Wang
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Xu H, Ishida M, Wang M (2016) A Data Management Plan for Effects of particle size on physical and chemical properties of mine wastes. Research Ideas and Outcomes 2: e11065.
It is a data management plan created on the basis of a NSF funded research project: Effects of particle size on physical and chemical properties of mine wastes ( The plan addresses how to manage the data collected by the project according to the requirements of NSF funded grants.
It is not a real data management implementation plan. It is originally created as an assignment on an online course “What You Need to Know about Writing Data Management Plans.” offered by Association of College & Research Libraries in 2014. The data management plan was created using the NSF funded project as a virtual research scenario.
data management plan; mine wastes; Mojave Desert; Souther California; NSF
Physical samples
Data of samples
Lab data
Geochemistry modeling software tools
Lesson materials:
We will register all our physical samples with the System for Earth Sample Registration (SESAR). Then, every sample will have an International GEO Sample Number (IGSN). The documentation of IGSN metadata can be found at: []. Data of samples will be prepared according to the IGSN metadata fields to make the sample registration straightforward. Field notes template will be developed at the beginning of the project to include all necessary background information fields that would help develop metadata for samples during the project.
Lab data spreadsheets will be developed according to the Geochemistry Data Templates designed by Integrated Earth Data Application (IDEA)’s EarthChem Library to include the recommended sheet structure design and to use the standard EarthChem controlled vocabulares measured for parameter, experiment method, mineral, and variable unit. X-Ray mapping images will be prepared with required and optional metadata fields as specified by the IDEA’s MediaBank. Documentation of geochemistry modeling tools and codes will be prepared with necessary notes and comments to make the replication of the modeling possible. When deposited into the EarthChem Library at the end of our project, the lab data and the software code will be submitted with the library’s cataloging metadata, as defined by the DataCite metadata kernel.
The research data and software code will be accessible to the PI and other researchers involved during the project. Three copies will be made for the data and software code; the first copy will be stored on the lab computer, the second copy will be stored on the network server which the universityʻs IT department manages, and the third copy will be stored on an external hard drive which is kept at the PIʻs residence (away from the office and lab). Once the project is finished, the datasets and software code will be deposited into the IEDA EarthChem Library and will be made accessible publicly and freely.
The datasets and software code will be published by IEDA under the Creative Common License BY-NC-SA 3.0. The research data should be cited in the format of Creator (PublicationYear): Title. Publisher. Identifier. IEDA will have Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) assigned to the datasets.
To increase access to the research outcome from this project, the PI will deposit the data and related software code into the IEDA EarthChem Library, an online data repository that archives and publishes data and other related digital artefacts from geosciences research. The physical samples will be stored in a secure, locked cabinet and made available for examination for at least 7 years after the project completion. The file formats of the datasets will be converted to preservation formats (CSV, PDF(PDF/A), TIFF, WAV). Conference materials, lesson plan and publications will be deposted in an institutional repository for open access. Software code will be deposted in github.
Thanks for the Principle Investigator of the project, Dr. Christopher Kim, giving us the permission to using this project as the research scenario to create this data management plan. Thanks all the project team members. Without your project, we could not generate this data management plan.
All authors equally contributed to the data management plan.