Research Ideas and Outcomes :
Data Paper (Biosciences)
Corresponding author: Michael Boehmler (
Academic editor: Editorial Secretary
Received: 31 Jan 2023 | Accepted: 15 Mar 2023 | Published: 04 Apr 2023
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Boehmler M, Murray HL, DeMay DJ, Rogers AN, Hribar LJ (2023) Dataset for mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) from State Route 905-Mile Marker 2, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, USA. Research Ideas and Outcomes 9: e101286.
The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District has used dry ice-baited light traps to monitor mosquito populations on Key Largo since 2003. This paper describes the methodology of trapping, the habitat and the dataset of adult mosquito populations from 18 years of weekly monitoring from a single site on Key Largo, Monroe County, FL, USA.
This data paper provides previously unpublished data from a single trapping location in Key Largo, Florida. Two new species have been added to previously-published data from this trapping site.
Florida Keys, mosquito abundance, mosquito trapping, Culicidae
The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District has conducted adult mosquito surveillance along State Route 905, Key Largo, Florida for 18 years. Mosquito abundance and species composition have been recorded ever since the initial surveillance site was selected to track population variances during seasons and over years in a natural site protected by federal regulations and not affected by mosquito control activities. This paper reports data pertaining to 32 identified mosquito species collected at one trapping location used for routine mosquito surveillance in the Florida Keys.
The purpose of mosquito surveillance at this location was long-term species and population monitoring at a site not affected by the control methods used by the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District.
Thirty-two mosquito species were documented during the sampling period, spanning seven separate genera (Aedes, Anopheles, Culex, Culiseta, Deinocerites, Psorophora and Uranotaenia). Separate columns exist for specimens identified only to Family Culicidae (unidentified mosquito), specimens identified only to genus (i.e. Aedes spp.) and specimens identified to subgenus (i.e. Culex (melanoconion)) (Suppl. material
Collections were made by utilising dry ice-baited light traps, powered by a 6-volt battery (American Biophysics Company, Clarke, John W. Hock). A single ABC trap was set on a weekly basis, excluding weeks when situations prevented collections, including storms, dry ice shortages and personnel scheduling conflicts. Traps were loaded with 1 kilogram of dry ice, set in the afternoon and retrieved the following morning (approximately 20 hours) and positioned in the same area (within 6.5 metres) during the 18-year collection period, varying only due to altered environmental conditions such as downed trees. Mosquito collections were returned to the laboratory, killed by freezing, identified to species and sex when possible and totalled for each species present. The predominant identification guides used during the sampling period were
The dry ice-baited light trap was deployed on the island of Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, USA. The trap is located on the Crocodile Lake National Wildlife Refuge (
Mosquito surveillance data collection started at State Route 905 Mile Marker 2 in December 2003 and continued through December 2021. Collections were made weekly unless storms, material shortages or scheduling conflicts interfered with trapping.
Data file containing the trap data from the State Route 905 Mile Marker 2 site in Key Largo, Florida. Occurrences are separated by species and then again by males and females (Suppl. material
Column label | Column description |
Trap Name | Site identifier |
Island | Island location of trap |
Latitude | Latitude |
Longitude | Longitude |
Trap Type | Trap used |
Year | Year |
Week | Week of the Year |
Date Retrieved | Trap Retrieval Date |
DOY | Day of the Year |
All Species | Species Name/Sex |
The authors thank all the inspectors, surveillance technicians and biologists who assisted in the trap setting, trap retrieval and data collection involved with this site and data paper.
Mosquito collection data from one trap site location in Key Largo, Florida spanning from 2003-2021.