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Grant Proposal
Research Ideas and Outcomes 8: e83031 (07 Mar 2022) (07 Mar 2022)
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Article metadata
Dutch public summary
Project proposal
The vision for your project
Project plan
Team members
Open Science track record of the main applicant
Data management
Will this project involve re-using existing research data?
Will data be collected or generated that are suitable for reuse?
After the project has been completed, how will the data be stored for the long-term and made available for the use by third parties? Are there possible restrictions to data sharing or embargo reasons?
Will any costs (financial and time) related to data management and sharing/preservation be incurred?
Software sustainability
Will software be generated during the project?
How will the software be licensed and be made available for re-use?
What measures are needed to make the software appropriate for long-term (re-)use by third parties?
How large do you expect the community that will potentially use the software to be, and do you expect outside contributors to the software?
What expertise do you expect to be needed to make the software appropriate for long-term re-use by third parties? Is this expertise available?
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