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Grant Proposal
Research Ideas and Outcomes 7: e76240 (09 Nov 2021) (09 Nov 2021)
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Article metadata
List of participants
1.1 Objectives
1.1.1 Challenge
1.1.2 Overall aim and objectives
1.1.3 Approach
1.2 Relation to the work programme
1.3 Concept and methodology, quality of the coordination and support measures and approach
1.3.1. Overall concept
1.3.2. Relations with other research and innovation activities
1.3.3. Overall approach and co-ordination
1.3.4. Consideration of gender aspects
2.1 Expected impacts
2.2 Measures to maximise impact
2.2.1. Dissemination of results
2.2.2. Exploitation of results
2.2.3 Communication activities
3.1. Work plan – work packages, deliverables and milestones
3.1.1. Overall structure of the work plan
3.1.2. Detailed work description
3.2. Management structure and procedures
3.2.1. General Assembly
3.2.2. Executive Board
3.2.3. Advisory Board
3.2.4. Coordinator - Project Office
3.2.5. Work Package Teams
3.2.6. Partners
3.2.7. Quality Procedures
3.2.8. Communication
3.2.9. Meetings
3.2.10 Reporting
3.3. Consortium as a whole
3.3.1. Track record and achieved impact
3.3.2. Community wide network and access to stakeholders
3.3.3 A balanced geographical spreading
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