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Grant Proposal
Research Ideas and Outcomes 7: e73858 (03 Sep 2021) (03 Sep 2021)
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Article metadata
Applicant details
1. Description of the underlying goals and objectives of the project, taking into account the project’s contribution to expand and increase capability of the national scientific community as well as to improve competitiveness and increase the level of technological innovation of the Polish economy.
2. Description of the unique nature of the project in terms of its national and international significance.
3. Description of the applicant's institutional and personnel capacity.
Potential and experience in the field of project coordination in which plant phenotyping occurs:
Implementing national infrastructure projects
Implementing international infrastructure projects
National innovative research projects (over 2 mln PLN in total)
International innovative research projects (over 2 mln PLN in total)
Main publications
Environmental Stress Biology
Pathogen Genetics and Plant Resistance
Biometry and Bioinformatics
Integrative Plant Biology
4. Description of the level of interest in the project shown by the scientific and research community and the relevant businesses at national and international level, in particular during the operational phase of the proposed research infrastructure.
5. Estimated project implementation costs, including those that are to be incurred during the operational phase of the proposed research infrastructure, as well as information regarding the proposed funding sources.
6. Description of the scientific and technical concept underlying the project implementation.
7. Description of the conceptual framework for international cooperation on project implementation.
8. Other relevant information necessary to evaluate the application
9. Full name, phone number and e-mail address of the person responsible for drafting the application.
Date of preparation
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