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Policy Brief
Research Ideas and Outcomes 7: e69765 (15 Jun 2021) (15 Jun 2021)
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Introduction and Background
1. Responsibilities and Compliance
2. Collection Management and Maintenance
3. Acquisitions
4. Accessioning and Deaccessioning
5. Access and Use
6. Safety and Security
Goals and objectives
Goal 1. Protect & Preserve − Ensure the physical environment of the collections, the specimens, and the associated data are maintained to the highest international standards to maximise their long-term preservation and scientific value.
Goal 2. Maintain & Enrich – Maintain and enrich a comprehensive and scientifically based collection that is representative of the indigenous and exotic biota present in New Zealand and its offshore territories, including important voucher collections.
Goal 3. Share & Connect − Make specimens and associated data easily accessible, to facilitate their usefulness for outreach, diagnostics, and research
Goal 4. Integrity & Partnerships – Build on our foundation as a trusted collection through commitment to data quality excellence and by developing partnerships both nationally and internationally
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