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Grant Proposal
Research Ideas and Outcomes 7: e66264 (14 Apr 2021) (14 Apr 2021)
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Article metadata
Short description of the project
Idea and research questions
Project description
Objective of the project and addressing the purpose of the grant
Methodological approach to achieve the objective
State of research, technology and preliminary work
Impact and scope of the results
Work planning
WP 1: Analysis of stakeholder needs
WP 1.1: Conduct a needs analysis via expert interviews and quantitative surveys
WP 1.2: Develop user stories and evaluate prototypes
WP 2: Design and prepare for the technical implementation
WP 2.1: Design of the OJS plugins
WP 2.2: Prepare for development
WP 3: Implementation
WP 3.1: Citation plugin
WP 3.2: Geoplugin
WP 3.3: Finalisation, rollout and release of plugins
WP 4: Export, search portal and extended use
WP 4.1: Metadata export to openly-licensed data platforms
WP 4.2: Search portal
WP 4.3: Extended use
WP 5: Dissemination and support
WP 5.1: Publications and public relations
WP 5.2: Support partner journals and documentation
Tabular overview of the scope of work and schedule
Exploitation and reuse of the results
Budget plan
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