Sustained meroplankton observations - a basin-scale approach. Low-cost samplers for deep-ocean observations (colonization modules coupled with larval traps) deployed at moorings or mounted on landers of the EMSO-ERIC distributed observatories and covering different water masses (Project LO3CATED; Génio, Cunha and Young). NACW: North Atlantic Central Water; AIW: Antarctic Intermediate Water; MOW: Mediterranean Outflow Water; NADW: North Atlantic Deep Water; MABW: Modified Antarctic Bottom Water. |
Part of: Cunha MR, Génio L, Pradillon F, Clavel Henry M, Beaulieu S, Birch J, Campuzano FJ, Carretón M, De Leo F, Gula J, Laming S, Lindsay D, Matos FL, Metaxas A, Meyer-Kaiser K, Mills S, Queiroga H, Rodrigues CF, Sarrazin J, Watanabe H, Young R, Young CM (2020) Foresight Workshop on Advances in Ocean Biological Observations: a sustained system for deep-ocean meroplankton. Research Ideas and Outcomes 6: e54284. |