Workshop participants “under the microscope” at the campus of Universidade de Aveiro: Back row, left to right: Fábio Matos, Jonathan Gula, Henrique Queiroga, Rob Young, Sven Laming, Kirstin Meyer-Kaiser, Jozée Sarrazin, Craig M. Young, Fabio De Leo. Front row, left to right: Jim Birch, Morane Clavel Henry, Marina R. Cunha, Clara Rodrigues, Florence Pradillon, Anna Metaxas.

  Part of: Cunha MR, Génio L, Pradillon F, Clavel Henry M, Beaulieu S, Birch J, Campuzano FJ, Carretón M, De Leo F, Gula J, Laming S, Lindsay D, Matos FL, Metaxas A, Meyer-Kaiser K, Mills S, Queiroga H, Rodrigues CF, Sarrazin J, Watanabe H, Young R, Young CM (2020) Foresight Workshop on Advances in Ocean Biological Observations: a sustained system for deep-ocean meroplankton. Research Ideas and Outcomes 6: e54284.