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Workshop Report
Research Ideas and Outcomes 6: e54284 (18 May 2020) (18 May 2020)
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Article metadata
Date and place
List of participants
Aims of the workshop
Methodology and Agenda
Key outcomes and discussions
Theme 1. Knowledge advances in deep-sea larval diversity and distribution: key challenges and priorities
What would we like to know?
What do we know and how do we know it?
What important pieces are we missing?
Synthesis and discussion of the questionnaire’s responses
Theme 2. Recent developments in plankton observation technology and approaches
Synthesis and discussion of the questionnaire’s responses
Theme 3. Data integration and oceanographic modelling
Synthesis and discussion of the questionnaire’s responses
Synergies and added value of a sustained observation system for meroplankton
Added value to conservation
Synergies with deep-ocean observation infrastructures
Hands-on session
Wrap up
Supplementary files
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