This specimen record is an example from the University of California Collection Network Symbiota Portal. The large image is an edit of the record to include a medium size version of the image for easier viewing in this article. The portal software is open source and it is freely available for reuse through the Symbiota GitHub repository. The image is an example of a specimen record that includes an image of the specimen with label data. The image is contributed by the UCSB Invertebrate Zoology Collection at the Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration. The usage rights for the image is Creative Commons 0 (public domain).

  Part of: Seltmann K, Lafia S, Paul D, James S, Bloom D, Rios N, Ellis S, Farrell U, Utrup J, Yost M, Davis E, Emery R, Motz G, Kimmig J, Shirey V, Sandall E, Park D, Tyrrell C, Thackurdeen R, Collins M, O'Leary V, Prestridge H, Evelyn C, Nyberg B (2018) Georeferencing for Research Use (GRU): An integrated geospatial training paradigm for biocollections researchers and data providers. Research Ideas and Outcomes 4: e32449.