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Small Grant Proposal
Research Ideas and Outcomes 4: e28047 (29 Jun 2018) (29 Jun 2018)
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Article metadata
Introduction and Overview of Proposed Study
Aims and Objectives of the Proposed Programme of Research
Summary Literature Review Overview and Outline
Definitions of continuity of care in primary health/social care contexts and teams
The complexity of ASD and associated care journeys or trajectories
Continuity of Care when children with ASD transition from one team to another
Statement of Likely Impact/Contribution to Field
Programme or Schedule of Work
Research Design
Proposed Methodological Framework
Proposed Theoretical Framework
Sequence of Stages of the Project
Study Context
Ethical Approval
Proposed phases of data collection
Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
Proposed Methods
Sampling of Participants:
Data Collection:
Data Analysis:
Time- frame for the Project
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