The Lower Danube River: river restoration actions: 1 – plan of the Lower Danube Green Corridor (based on WWF 2016); 2 – river restoration completed project; 2–1 – agriculture as driver for pressure; 2–2 – fishing as driver for pressure; 2–3 – navigation as driver for pressure; 2–4 – opening levees as restoration solution; 2–5 – reshaping canals as restoration solution; 3 – case study of islands; 4 – dam (IG I – Iron Gates I; IG II – Iron Gates II); 5 – city > 50,000 inhabitants. Site numbers: 1 – Gârla Mare Fish Farm; 2 – Gerai Marsh; 3 - Persina Island; 4 – Brashlen Kalimok Marsh; 5 - Srebarna Lake; 6 - Small Island of Brăila; 7 - Babina Island; 8 - Cernovca Island; 9 - Popina Polder; 10 – Zaghen Lake; 11 – Fortuna Lake; 12 – Carasuhat Polder; 13 – Saint George Arm; 14 – Holbina-Dunavăț Fishpond; A – Koșava Island; B – Jiu-Olt reach; C – Giurgiu-Călărași reach; D – Small Island of Brăila.

  Part of: Ioana-Toroimac G (2024) Restoring the Lower Danube River`s wetlands: a short report on the hydrological effectiveness of completed projects. Research Ideas and Outcomes 10: e130474.