Graph models underlying templates for a study in ecology and evolution. The main template is the “General scoping” template, while each other box would allow a more detailed description of Dataset, Study system, Study design and research question and hypotheses in Invasion biology (source: 10.5281/zenodo.8334505).

  Part of: Bernard-Verdier M, Heger T, Mietchen D, Musseau CL, Brinner M, Hillig A, Kraker P, Lokatis S, Nunes AL, Scheidweiler N, Stocker M, Vial R, Vogt L, Bacher S, Baklouti E, Gupta HB, Beisel J-N, Bertolino S, Briski E, Castellanos-Galindo GA, Courchamp F, Daly E, Dawson W, Dickey J, Evans T, Itescu Y, Koenig-Ries B, Kumar L, Kumschick S, Meyerson LA, Pattison Z, Pfadenhauer W, Renault D, Rickowski F, Ruland F, Schittko C, Straka T, Yannelli F, Jeschke JM (2023) Building an atlas of knowledge for invasion biology and beyond! 2nd enKORE-INAS Workshop. Research Ideas and Outcomes 9: e115395.