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Project Report
Research Ideas and Outcomes 9: e113294 (13 Oct 2023) (13 Oct 2023)
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Article metadata
Executive summary
Understanding the ERIC framework
A legal status: the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)
ERICs financial framework
Aspects of ERIC contributions models
ERIC’s commissioned services
Services users and charges
Origin of ERIC’s incomes
Procurement methods in support of Research, Development and Innovation
A brief overview of procurement types
Standard public procurement
Pre-Commercial Procurement and Public Procurement of Innovation
Funding Perspective
Opportunities - Comparing possible procurement scenarios
Procurement Office Models differ in Cost and Complexity
The Assumptions
Cost indication on the different approaches
Complexity Indication on the different approaches
European Commission funding opportunities
General information on EU funding
Types of EU funding
Management modes of the funding
The EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027
Most relevant EU financial sources for ERICs
EU Multiannual Financial Framework
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Transnational Access Scheme
Additional and non-EU funding sources
Supplementary files
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