Online survey on the importance of monitoring techniques for generating EBVs. (a) Example showing the upper part (first 10 out of 70 EBVs) of the survey on digital sensors (Google form). A separate form was provided for each monitoring technique (structured in-situ monitoring, citizen-science observations, genetics, digital sensors, satellite remote sensing and aerial remote sensing); (b) Example of survey responses (incl. answers "yes", "partially" and "no") specifying the importance of digital sensors for monitoring a specific EBV. Responses for the first 10 (out of 70) EBVs are shown (sample size of answers varies between 6 and 12).

  Part of: Lumbierres M, Kissling WD (2023) Important first steps towards designing the freshwater, marine and terrestrial Essential Biodiversity Variable (EBV) workflows for the European Biodiversity Observation Network. Research Ideas and Outcomes 9: e109120.