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Grant Proposal
Research Ideas and Outcomes 9: e107220 (01 Jun 2023) (01 Jun 2023)
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Article metadata
List of beneficiaries
1. Excellence
1.1 Objectives
1.1.1 The scientific premise
1.1.2 Europe: a global leader
1.1.3 A turning point for European natural science collections
1.1.4 DiSSCo scientific mission
1.1.5 DiSSCo RI service classes
1.1.6 DiSSCo Prepare project overall aims
1.2 Relation to the work programme
1.2.1 Ensuring engagement of funders beyond the ESFRI proposal bid
1.2.2 Financial Plan and sustainability
1.2.3 Identifying proper governance and management models
1.2.4 Siting and legal form
1.2.5 Infrastructure architecture and service specifications
1.2.6 Strategic and operational planning
1.2.7 Valuing societal and economic benefits
1.3 Concept and methodology; quality of the measures
1.3.1 DiSSCo Prepare approach to the objectives
1.3.2 Methodology & Specific targets
2. Impact
2.1 Expected impacts
2.1.1 Improving technological capacity and effectiveness of the infrastructure
2.1.2 Keeping abreast with of ever-changing scientific needs
2.1.3 Building on existing investments and leveraging cross-infrastructures collaboration
2.1.4 Paving the way for a fully FAIR infrastructure
2.1.5 Better EOSC integration
2.1.6 Early involvement of national-level RI funders
2.1.7 Establishing clear rules of participation
2.1.8 A simple and convincing financial and business model
2.1.9 Gender balance and geographic inclusiveness
2.1.10 Intellectual Property (IP) and ethical issues
2.1.11 Capacity enhancement and Human Resources
2.1.12 International coordination
2.2 Measures to maximise impact
2.2.1 Dissemination and exploitation of results
2.2.2 Communication activities
2.2.3 Concretely engaging stakeholders
2.2.4 Partner inclusiveness and openness
2.2.5 Key advisory boards
2.2.6 Addressing ESFRI recommendations
3. Implementation
3.1 Work plan – Work packages and deliverables
Work Package 1 - User needs & socioeconomic impact
Work Package 2 - Human resources, training & user support
Work Package 3 - Capacity enhancement
Work Package 4 - Business framework
Work Package 5 - Common resources & standards
Work Package 6 - Technical architecture & service provision
Work Package 7 - Governance, policy & legal frameworks
Work Package 8 - Stakeholder engagement & communication strategy
Work Package 9 - Project Management
3.2 Management structure and procedures
3.2.1 Overall project governance structure
3.2.2 Decision-making, stakeholder and advisory bodies
3.2.3 Management procedures
3.3 Consortium as a whole
3.3.1 Overview of Consortium
3.3.2 Core beneficiaries
3.3.3 DiSSCo National Nodes (NNs)
3.3.4 Technical Partners
3.3.5 International Partners
3.4 Resources to be committed (budget)
Glossary and list of abbreviations
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